Georgette Heyer books, 12 recs, various pairings

Jun 27, 2016 23:59

So...I said a while ago that I would do a Georgette Heyer manifesto. >.> But I mean, you could consider a lot of the posts I've made this month mini manifestos?? Right? Yes? So Georgette Heyer mini manifesto, let's go!! Georgette Heyer essentially invented the Regency romance genre (see her wiki). Some of her books are straight romances, others are set in the Regency era but are detective/mystery novels as well as romances. All of them are straight up delightful. Heyer was meticulous in her research and her books are incredibly detailed and as historically accurate as possible. She had a healthy sense of the ridiculous and if you enjoy whimsy, comedy, witty repartee, and wacky hijinks/shenanigans, Georgette Heyer is the author for you.

The first book I'll be reccing for is Cotillion. The sheltered Kitty Charing's miserly guardian decides that he's going to leave his vast fortune to whichever of his grandnephews marries Kitty. Kitty doesn't want any of the grandnephews who answered the summons, and the one she does want, Jack Westruther, didn't even deign to show up. In a fit, she decides to try running away, and at the nearest posting house, comes across Freddy Standen who was taking his sweet time to get to his uncle's home. Kitty convinces him to pretend that they had an understanding and play along with a sham engagement so that she can experience a season in London for the first time in her life before they invent a reason to cry off. Her ulterior motive is to give Jack a taste of what he's missing, but in between getting to know Freddy's family, trying to help out her various friends and family members who are embroiled in their own romantic woes, and all the time she's spending shopping and sightseeing with Freddy, she's coming to realize that maybe Jack isn't the hero she was looking for all along. Freddy is one of my favorite Heyer heroes, because he's so unlike any of her usual male protagonists. He's a dandy, The Pinkest of the Pinks, who's deeply concerned with the state of his dress and dislikes sport or conflict. And while he may not be be exceptionally clever or book learned, what he does have is a great deal of common sense and social adroitness, and above all, a kind heart.

Fandom: Cotillion
Pairing: Kitty Charing/Freddy Standen
Title: The Birds and the Bees
Author: Lbilover
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 4280/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 206 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Freddy has never been, as they say, "in the petticoat line," and Freddy's mother is deeply concerned that he won't know what to do on his wedding night. To that end, she persuades Freddy's father to give him The Talk, which goes about as well (and as hilariously) as you expect it to given Freddy's literal mindedness and difficulty with understanding euphemisms. This is uproariously funny and the character voices are pitch-perfect.

Title: Stockings
Author: Pariaritzia
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 2543/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 207 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: In which Kitty is the one who gets The Talk this time from Meg and Freddy's mother. This was sweet and funny and the wedding night scene is so perfectly Freddy and Kitty.

In The Corinthian, Sir Richard Wyndham's family is hounding him to get married to a respectable female and provide an heir and he knows he can't put them off for much longer. The night before he is to make a proposal he gets drunk and goes for a walk when all of a sudden, from above, he sees a young boy climbing down a rope of bedsheets. Only this young boy is actually a young heiress in disguise, Penelope Creed, trying to run away from her aunt who is trying to force her to marry her cousin. In a fit of drunken inspiration, Richard decides he cannot allow this young fool to go off in search of her childhood sweetheart on her own and the two abscond together, with him posing as young master Pen's tutor. Along the way, they accidentally get embroiled in a mysterious conspiracy involving theft and murder. Penelope is one of my favorite of Heyer's heroines--cheerful, irrepressible, and with what some would call a gift for lying but which Heyer describes as a "beautiful disregard for the truth." :P

Fandom: The Corinthian
Pairing: Penelope Creed/Richard Wyndham
Title: The Corinthian- Epilogue
Author: Elizabeth_by_Design
Rating/Warning(s): M
Word Count/WIP?: 728/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 208 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Exactly what it says on the tin. This story follows Pen and Richard after the events of the book, heading back to London, through their wedding and up to their wedding night. Short and sweet!

Frederica, the oldest of a family of 5, applies to the Marquis of Alverstoke, a man her late father claimed as the best of his relations, to sponsor her lovely sister's entrance into London society. In fact their relation is much more distant than her father purported, but Alverstoke has a perverse sense of humor and the idea of disobliging his odious sister by making her the sponsor of a "diamond of the first water" who will shine down his much plainer niece amuses him. Aside from that though, he finds himself unexpectedly fond of Frederica's irrepressible younger brothers, who--much to his surprise--seem to respect him and seek his approval. And then there's capable, level-headed Frederica herself, a woman unlike anyone Alverstoke has ever known. This is one of my very favorite Heyer novels. The romance is so well-developed and I love the way Alverstoke naturally becomes a member of their family.

Fandom: Frederica
Pairing: Frederica Merriville/Vernon Dauntry | Marquis of Alverstoke
Title: A collection of small moments and tea
Author: redsnake05
Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 2742/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 209 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Vernon's relations come to wish Frederica happy upon learning of their engagement. This was perfectly Heyer-esque. The character voices and interactions were all just right.

Title: In Fair Verona
Author: empressearwig
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 840/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 210 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Vernon and Frederica have to name their baby. This was so sweet and lovely and I love that despite bemoaning the names their parents gave her and her siblings, Frederica ends up giving her child an unusual name as well.

In Arabella, Arabella is the daughter of a vicar and the oldest of a large family. Before she married Arabella's father, Arabella's mother used to attend seasons in London and now sends her daughter to her godmother for a season in the hopes of contracting a marriage. On her way to London, Arabella's carriage breaks down and she spends an evening under the auspices of Robert Beaumaris, aka the NonPareil, one of the leaders of London society. When he insults her, she--not knowing who he is and thinking she will never see him again--pretends that she is a wealthy heiress from Yorkshire. When they meet again in London, instead of outing her, he appears to favor her with his attentions and fan the rumors surrounding her fortune despite her godmother trying to dispel the rumors. Along the way, he gets sucked into her crusades to save mistreated maids and chimney sweeps and stray dogs, and the NonPareil's cold heart begins to thaw. Another of my favorite heroines and books!

Fandom: Arabella
Pairing: Arabella Tallant/Robert Beaumaris
Title: Crime and Punishment
Author: ljs
Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 793/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 211 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: One of the best parts of Arabella is Ulysses, the stray dog Arabella saves and whom Beaumaris takes in and pretends he doesn't like. Ulysses does not take well to having to share his master's attention with his new bride and ruins Arabella's stockings. Robert meanwhile has a bone to pick with Arabella continuing to give former prostitutes employment in their home and "demands" redress for her crimes. But not before he re-enacts Ulysses' crime of ruining his wife's stockings. The banter is perfect, Ulysses is adorable, and the ending is sweet and sexy.

The Grand Sophy is another of my favorites. Sophy comes to live with her cousins for a season because after all these years following her father, an ambassador, across Europe, it's time for her to settle down and contract a marriage before she's too old and incidentally, before her father remarries a wealthy Spaniard woman. Sophy is a force of nature and she doesn't waste any time sorting out the Rivenhall family's various woes, which often puts her at odds with Charles, the oldest son and de facto head of the family. Despite how often they butt heads, Charles can't help but like the indomitable Sophy, but he's engaged to a Miss Eugenia Wraxton, whom no one in his family likes. I love Sophy's take-no-prisoners approach to life and unshakeable common sense.

Fandom: The Grand Sophy
Pairing: Sophy Stanton-Lacy/Charles Rivenhall
Title: Interlude
Author: redsnake05
Rating/Warning(s): T
Word Count/WIP?: 868/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 212 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Sophy's dress gets torn and Charles pins it up for her. The characterization and voices are perfect and this was so subtly sexy. I adore this.

The Unknown Ajax was an unexpected favorite! From the summary I wasn't sure if it would interest me, but it definitely proved me wrong. After the death of Lord Daracott's eldest son, the rite of succession means that Major Hugh Daracott, the son of Lord Daracott's estranged second son whom he disowned after he wed a weaver up in Yorkshire, is now his heir. Lord Daracott is determined to whip this no doubt uncouth, backwater yokel into shape and sends for him to come to the family estate to be educated in the ways of a Lord. Hugh finally arrives and though he at first seems to speak the Queen's English fairly well, upon meeting his grandfather, he suddenly devolves into a broad Yorkshire accent? Meanwhile, Lord Daracott keeps trying to throw his granddaughter Anthea together with Hugh, with the intent of marrying them off. Anthea tries to resist and make herself disagreeable on principle, but Hugh is surprisingly disarming (and his accent keeps slipping randomly?). Meanwhile, Anthea's younger brother is most definitely up to something, the Dower House appears to be haunted, and there's a Lieutenant Ottershaw sniffing around trying to track down a smuggling ring. This story made its way into my favorites on the strength of the penultimate scene, wherein the family all bands together to pull off a con to put Lt. Ottershaw off their trail for good. It is brilliant and it's Heyer's brand of zany at its best.

Fandom: The Unknown Ajax
Pairing: Anthea Daracott/Hugh Daracott
Title: Dower House Quadrille
Author: TwoWeevils
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 2865/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 213 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: A bit of future fic wherein the Dower House is being restored so that Hugh and Anthea can finally get married and have a home to live. I love that you can see why Hugh and Anthea work together so well. Also, Claud, bless his heart, finally gets the girl, and HGTV fans will appreciate a certain cameo that's made in this story (I see what you did there, author.)

The eponymous heroine of Venetia is sheltered by her protective father at their estate, along with her brother, who is disabled and has a bad leg, but is a prodigious scholar. The scandalous Lord Damerel, their neighbor, comes to take up residence at his estate and he and Venetia strike up a friendship when he helps care for her brother Aubrey after he has an accident near Damerel's estate. They eventually fall in love, but Damerel is convinced he will be the ruin of her and pushes her away. When Venetia's eldest brother comes back after wedding an odious woman, things at home get strained and she goes to London for a season to live with her aunt and contract a marriage. While there, she finds out the mother she thought had died was alive and had actually caused a bit of a scandal when she left Venetia's father for another man. Meeting her mother gives Venetia the courage to decide to forget what society thinks of her and go find her own happiness--even if that happiness involves a scandalous rake who likes to speak of orgies in front of supposedly respectable maidens. But Venetia is her mother's daughter after all...

Fandom: Venetia
Pairing: Venetia Lanyon/Jasper Damerel
Title: Rose-Leaves
Author: empressearwig
Rating/Warning(s): E
Word Count/WIP?: 1854/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 214 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Jasper and Venetia's wedding night. Heyer with some spice--this was deliciously and wickedly sexy.

The Masqueraders is one of Heyer's more "out-there" plots. Prudence and Robin are Jacobites fleeing persecution and to hide their tracks have assumed new identities. Prudence becomes "Peter Merriot," a dashing young gentleman, and Robin becomes "Kate," an enchanting ingenue. On their way to London, they manage to thwart the dastardly Gregory Markham, who is attempting to elope with the beautiful heiress, Letitia Grayson. As a result of their involvement, they meet Sir Anthony Fanshawe, a friend of Letitia's father. "Kate" and Letitia become fast friends, but Robin finds himself falling for the young heiress. "Peter" is also making quite the name for "himself" under Sir Anthony's patronage, but Prudence finds herself increasingly drawn to Anthony and suspects Anthony is beginning to discern the truth behind their identities. Meanwhile, their father, referred to as The Old Gentleman, is trying to prove that he is the legal heir to the recently deceased Viscount Barham, and Markham has not yet abandoned his plans to have Letitia for his own. Cross-dressing adventures!! Secret identity hijinks!! Conspiracies and duels!! This book has no shortage of excitement.

Fandom: The Masqueraders
Pairing: Prudence Tremaine/Anthony Fanshawe
Title: Rose-Leaves
Author: Carmarthen
Rating/Warning(s): E, Heed the tags for warnings!
Word Count/WIP?: 3016/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 215 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Prudence is enjoying living openly as a woman and the marital bed very much, but she's curious whether her dear husband had been attracted to her as a man, and what he would have done if "Peter" had gone to Wych End with him as he'd suggested. Anthony proceeds to show her. *fans self* This was incredibly hot and quite kinky.

The Talisman Ring is actually one of Heyer's few books set during the Georgian era (pre-Regency) and is one of her mystery/action-adventure novels. Sir Tristram Shield is engaged to the feisty Eustacie de Vauban, a romantic and excitable Frenchwoman who disdains Tristram's more staid personality. She runs away and runs into her dashing cousin (and the rightful heir to the barony), Ludovic, who is living as a smuggler and is on the run from the Exciseman. During their adventures, they meet an older woman, Miss Sarah Thane, who without missing a beat, throws her lot in with them and becomes Eustacie's chaperone. But Tristram isn't far behind Eustacie and all 4 of them soon become entangled in a conspiracy involving murder. The plot is a little difficult to summarize, convoluted as it is, but suffice it to say that during the course of the book, Tristram proves he's not as boring a stick-in-the-mud that Eustacie believes he is and the redoubtable Sarah Thane is more than his match.

Fandom: The Talisman Ring
Pairing: Sarah Thane/Tristram Shield, Eustacie de Vauban/Ludovic Lavenham
Title: The Marriage Masquerade
Author: Ione
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 4224/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 216 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: Sir Tristram and his wife were about to settle in for a quiet night when their former charges come crashing in, setting things into chaos. It is up to Tristram and Sarah to once again sort out Eustacie and Ludovic's drama and impart some much needed advice. The author has done an incredible job of capturing Heyer's style and Sarah and Tristram shine. I love their relationship so much.

In Black Sheep, a gazetted fortune hunter, Stacy Caverleigh, is paying far too much attention to Abigail Wendover's niece, Fanny. In order to break this connection, Abigail appeals to his uncle, Miles Caverleigh, the "black sheep" of the family who was sent off to India 20 years ago and has since made his fortune. Miles has no love or use for society's conventions, and even less interest in intervening in his nephew's affairs, but he is very interested in Miss Wendover. It's not one of Heyer's more romantic novels, but Miles' and Abigail's interactions are sparkling and you can tell they were made for each other.

Fandom: Black Sheep
Pairing: Abigail Wendover/Miles Caverleigh
Title: The Aftermath of the Abduction
Author: redsnake05
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 2563/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: super_tricie341 (LJ) | blackestglass (tumblr)
Special Rec: 217 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: This takes place just after the events of the book, after Miles "abducts" Abby to his family's estates. The author has perfectly captured the characters and their interactions and the restrained passion of their connection is masterfully done. Loved this.

Oh boy, okay. Mods, I need fandom tags for The Corinthian, Arabella, The Unknown Ajax, The Masqueraders, The Talisman Ring, and Black Sheep. I need relationship tags for Penelope Creed/Richard Wyndham, Arabella Tallant/Robert Beaumaris, Anthea Daracott/Hugh Daracott, Prudence Tremaine/Anthony Fanshawe, Sarah Thane/Tristram Shield, Eustacie de Vauban/Ludovic Lavenham, and Abigail Wendover/Miles Caverleigh. Sorry, thank you!!

ship: sarah thane/tristram shield, ship: eustacie de vauban/ludovic lavenha, ship: prudence tremaine/anthony fanshawe, ship: frederica merriville/vernon dauntr, fandom: the masqueraders, fandom: cotillion, fandom: the unknown ajax, ship: sophy stanton-lucy/charles rivenha, ship: penelope creed/richard wyndham, fandom: frederica, special reccer: super_tricie341, ship: abigail wendover/miles caverleigh, fandom: the talisman ring, ship: venetia lanyon/jasper damerel, fandom: the corinthian, fandom: arabella, fandom: the grand sophy, fandom: black sheep, ship: arabella tallant/robert beaumaris, ship: anthea daracott/hugh daracott, fandom: venetia, special: manifesto, ship: kitty charing/freddy standen

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