Dragon Age: Inquisition, 6 recs, Inquisitor/The Iron Bull & Inquisitor/Cullen

Jun 11, 2016 18:30

Dragon Age is another of those fandoms that I got into because I read a fic once and now all of a sudden I Have A Problem And It Is Consuming My Life. Actually, this is basically my entire relationship with Bioware games. I've never played any of the games and have no desire at all to do so, but I've read SO MUCH FIC and watched all the Romance ( Read more... )

fandom: dragon age, ship: inquisitor/cullen rutherford, ship: inquisitor/iron bull, special reccer: super_tricie341

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Comments 3

borg_princess June 12 2016, 07:51:42 UTC
I've read a few Dragon Age fics and enjoyed them in the past, despite having zero familiarity with the source material, but I find it hard to look for fics with all the different tags and characters changing between male and female depending on the author and IDEK whether the character I liked in one fic exists in others, because maybe the writers rename the POV character and give them different traits? So yeah, it's not somewhere I venture often, basically, and I appreciate your recs making it easy for me to find something new in this fandom ♥


super_tricie341 June 12 2016, 15:29:31 UTC
Hee, glad to help, and yes, omg this fandom is SO overwhelming. I mean, with Inquisitor/Iron Bull I basically filtered by pairing and rating because lbh, I'm in this pairing for the smut, ahem. But Inquisitor/Cullen is BY FAR the most popular ship and it's so hard to separate the wheat from the chaff! I made a request for recs once on this comm and got nothing, so 1 of my recs is a story a friend pointed out to me and the rest are stories I found bookmark hopping in the profiles of Dragon Age authors I liked. But yes, stay tuned, because I have A LOT more Dragon Age recs to come :D


blithers June 13 2016, 01:31:19 UTC
Tags added!


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