Fandom: The X Files
Pairing: Dana Scully/Fox Mulder
Title: Home, Home
Author: onpaperfirst
Link: Teen, I believe. No Major Warnings
Word Count/WIP?: 4,695
Recced on Tumblr By: @dontbelievethetrolls
Why This Must Be Read: This fic takes a serious look at the question of how you build a home when you’ve been without for so long, the concept might be a little foreign. It is a beautiful, in character, sweet, sometimes heartbreaking, exploration of what life must have been for Scully and Mulder in the years after leaving the FBI. Bonus: any fic with the line “A moose wouldn’t fit in the actual kitchen sink” needs to be read. You know I’m right.
Fandom: The X Files
Pairing: Dana Scully/Fox Mulder
Title: TouristsAuthor: Discordia
Link: R. No Major Warnings
Word Count/WIP?: 5,827
Recced on Tumblr By: @dontbelievethetrolls
Why This Must Be Read: “Mulder and Scully come back, now as a couple, to revisit their past” seems like the plot of a bottle episode of The X Files revival. But in a twist of brilliance, this fic has them literally, physically, picking up and going through all the places they left behind when they quit the FBI in an odd sort of holiday/road trip, and reading it feels a little like being along for the ride. It’s a little rambly -in a good way, they way road trips can be- but the character interactions are always, always on point.
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica 2003
Pairing: Laura Roslin/William Adama
Title: Didn’t, Shouldn’t, Don’t
Author: datsue
Link: T
Word Count/WIP?: 2,197
Recced on Tumblr By: @dontbelievethetrolls
Why This Must Be Read: This is one of my favourite BSG fics. It’s a kind of meditation, through Kara’s eyes on different kinds of love and different kinds of family, as she reflects on the Admiral’s decision to find Laura -and the developments that followed. I don’t think I need to say that much more. It’s a great third person look at the Roslin/Adama dynamic from someone very much in the midst of it.
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica 2003
Pairing: Laura Roslin/William Adama
Title: If Not, Winter
Author: olgatheodora
Link: M
Word Count/WIP?: 53,137
Recced on Tumblr By: @dontbelievethetrolls
Why This Must Be Read: This fic is a bit of an undertaking, but in the best possible way!It is one of those amazing pieces of fic where no, things don’t follow canon, but it doesn’t matter because the AU is so well constructed, it’s basically a full-fledged adaptation of the source material (a happier, less traumatic adaptation of the source material). Anyway, this fic has everything: female alliance/friendship, families of choice, families of blood and of course, lots of the Roslin and Adama being not-really-but-actually-yeah-totally married, like they were from half-way season one. Fic takes it a lot further than the show, but that’s the beauty of it.
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica 2003
Pairing: Laura Roslin/William Adama
Title: Through the Startled Sky
Author: miabicicleta
Link: T+
Word Count/WIP?: 15,000
Recced on Tumblr By: @dontbelievethetrolls
Why This Must Be Read: The main reason I’m recommending this one (other than it is very, very good and you should definitely read it), is that you wouldn’t know about it from reading ‘If Not, Winter’ at It’s a companion piece to that one, told from the Admiral’s pov, and it does a good job of exploring the empty spaces you sometimes get in a single pov story. It’s a solid fic on it’s own, so even if you don’t read the other one, you can absolutely read this one.
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