Doctor Who, 4 recs, Amy/Rory

May 10, 2016 13:50

Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Title: And Fill The Trees With Apples
Author: paperclipbitch
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 3,083 (complete)
Recced on LiveJournal By: stars_inthe_sky

Why This Must Be Read: Amy gets (accidentally but knowingly) pregnant immediately beforeher wedding, instead of immediately after, and deals with it about as well as you'd expect: with a little humor, a little terror, and still an outrageous amount of running.


Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Title: The reticence of memories
Author: giallarhorn
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 3,128 (complete)
Recced on LiveJournal By: stars_inthe_sky

Why This Must Be Read: Rory and especially Amy lived through a heck of a lot in s5-and canon too often appears to take the Doctor at his word that everything is (or will be) fine. This fic examines how Amy does-and doesn't-deal with everything she's lost and found in the short course of her life, and the author pulls off a neat trick of not letting Amy's faith in her Raggedy Man waver, even when it should.


Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Title: May These Memories Break Our Fall
Author: paperclipbitch
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 1,711 (complete)
Recced on LiveJournal By: stars_inthe_sky

Why This Must Be Read: In this simple, bittersweet coda to "The Angels Take Manhattan," the Girl Who Waited and the Lone Centurion adjust to being a (mostly) normal couple in midcentury New York. There's not a lot to tell here, for an audience used to racing through time and space, but these little glimpses give you everything you need to know.


Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Title: Can't See the Forest (A River Runs Through It)
Author: paranoidangel
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 1,355 (complete)
Recced on LiveJournal By: stars_inthe_sky

Why This Must Be Read: In lovely little Leadworth snippets, Amy and Rory sort of inadvertently raise Mels, and the hints at everyone's future relationship dynamics are sweet and subtle.

fandom: doctor who, ship: amy pond/rory williams

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