4 recs, 3 fandoms

Apr 28, 2016 22:00

Fandom: The Office
Pairing: Pam Beesly/Jim Halpert
Title: I just wanted to be famous
Author: stablergirl
Link: here
Rating/Warning(s): mature adult
Word Count/WIP?: 73415
Recced on LiveJournal By: throwingpens
Special Rec 17 of 30
Why This Must Be Read: The Office is real, sort of. Jim and Pam are actors playing themselves “falling in love.” Pam hates Jim, thinks he’s a pretentious asshole. Until she doesn’t anymore. You WILL crave a big beef n cheddar after you read this story, I swear to you.

Fandom: The Office/Big Bang Theory
Pairing: Kelly Kapoor/Raj Koothrapali
Title: mangalasutra
Author: kasuchi
Link: here
Rating/Warning(s): mature
Word Count/WIP?: 3129
Recced on LiveJournal By: throwingpens
Special Rec 18 of 30
Why This Must Be Read: Raj and Kelly get arranged married. It works out amazingly well. I wasn’t sure I’d be sold on this for Kelly and Raj until the line "Raj makes me happy, and you don't get to judge me for that." And I was lost forever. Kasuchi writes this in a way that feels authentic to my white ass (she’s Tamil Indian), and that realism pops out at me in this story.

Fandom: The Office
Pairing: Kelly Kapoor/Ryan Howard, Kelly Kapoor/Darryl Philbin
Title: Lost In Love
Author: Emilys_list
Link: here
Rating/Warning(s): teen
Word Count/WIP?: 1835
Recced on LiveJournal By: throwingpens
Special Rec 19 of 30
Why This Must Be Read: “I hope you're still committed because I'm pregnant…. And guess what buddy, I am keeping it.” Not all relationships have to be lasting to be meaningful. Kelly and Ryan are destructive, but I do love them.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Molly Prewett Weasley/Arthur Weasley
Title: A Life of High Adventure
Author: cathouse_mary
Link: here
Rating/Warning(s): teen
Word Count/WIP?: 4465
Recced on LiveJournal By: throwingpens
Special Rec 20 of 30
Why This Must Be Read: Molly & Arthur are so solid in the HP series. How did they get that way? This story poses a good answer to that -- based on Molly’s childhood and family and then explains how they found a way to create a life together.

Mods: I didn't see tags for Kelly/Darryl and Molly/Arthur.

ship: crossover, ship: kelly kapoor/darryl philbin, ship: pam beesley/jim halpert, fandom: the office, ship: molly weasley/arthur weasley, special reccer: throwingpens, fandom: harry potter, ship: kelly kapoor/ryan howard, fandom: big bang theory

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