Actor RPF, 2 recs, Mindy Kaling/BJ Novak

Apr 12, 2016 04:59

Fandom: RPF (actor)
Pairing: Mindy Kaling/BJ Novak
Title: Pennies and Dimes for a Kiss
Author: Care
Link: Ao3
Rating/Warning(s): not rated, I would say “adult themes”
Word Count/WIP?: 4583
Recced on LiveJournal By: throwingpens
Special Rec: 8 of 30

Why This Must Be Read: The characters of BJ and Mindy have one of the most effing ridiculous relationships of ever, and it’s not fair that we, as humans, have to live on this earth when these characters aren’t together. Care solves the problem through an accidental Vegas marriage of people who love each other very much but don’t know how to express it properly.

Fandom: RPF (actor)
Pairing: Mindy Kaling/BJ Novak
Title: people like puns (and other concerns)
Author: care
Link: Ao3
Rating/Warning(s): teen
Word Count/WIP?: 3800
Recced on LiveJournal By: throwingpens
Special Rec: 9 of 30

Why This Must Be Read: You know relationships that are just comfortable? When you know the person long enough and well enough that you can talk about nothing forever and not get bored? Even if the definitions to the outside world and to yourselves are weird? Care just GETS that. There's this level of...intimacy that exudes from the two of these people, and I've never seen it captured so well as in this story. It's the little details like Mindy's new "sexy"//"molding flowers" perfume that get to me. 

ship: mindy kaling/bj novak, fandom: rpf, special reccer: throwingpens

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