A Van, A Plane, A Car, A Bus by speranza

Apr 09, 2016 04:17

Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: Donna Moss/Josh Lyman
Title: A Van, A Plane, A Car, A Bus
Author: speranza
Link: here
Rating/Warning(s): explicit
Word Count/WIP?: 7879, completed
Recced on LiveJournal By: throwingpens
Special Rec: 5 of 30

Why This Must Be Read: Because this story is told partially from the perspective of an outside party who wasn’t privy to Josh and Donna’s relationship, and trying to figure out relationships of people who are strangers but behave oddly together is one of my favorite pastimes. Plus, Josh & Donna’s slow burn gets annoying AF after a while, so while I can’t imagine how like, Charlie, felt, Lou’s the one who gets them to talk about crap. And I love that. Plus, I think it shows the little nuances you only pick up from being with someone all the time, every day, for years. And I love that comfort.

fandom: west wing, ship: donna moss/josh lyman, special reccer: throwingpens

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