The Flash, Two Recs, Caitlin Snow/Joe West

Apr 02, 2016 22:33

In honor of this months theme D.C. Universe:

Fandom Category: The Flash
Pairing: Caitlin Snow/Joe West, Iris West/Barry Allen
Fic Title: Constants
Author: helsinkibaby
Rating/Warning(s): PG/Major Character Death
Word Count/WIP?:32,080/Complete
Recced on Livejournal by: Honor_Reid

Why This Must Be Read:Author's description: A year ago, Caitlin Snow lost her job, her mentor and her best friend. As the anniversary of the tsunami dawns and an old foe re-emerges to threaten her, The Flash, a reporter, a police captain and a not quite ghost join forces to help save her life - in more ways than one. This is a very rare pair that at first seems odd but if given a chance helsinkibaby will surprise you because they make it work beautifully. This story takes place in an alternate timeline that greatly diverges from the show after the episode Out of Time. What I loved about this pairing is how the author writes Caitlin and Joe. They start off with a respectful friendship that changes and deepens the more time they spend together as they try to solve the mystery of who is after Caitlin. This is a very well written story that is both intriguing and lovely.

Fandom Category: The Flash
Pairing: Caitlin Snow/Joe West
Fic Title: Deep as the Sky Under My Skin
Author: helsinkibaby
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count/WIP?:15,173/Complete
Recced on Livejournal by: Honor_Reid

Why This Must Be Read:Author's description: Joe and Caitlin have both loved and lost. When they meet in STAR Labs, it turns out that it's not just Barry who is saved. This is a season one rewrite, where Caitlin and Joe meet at Barry's bedside, they develop a friendship and then decide to see where it leads from there as they deal with craziness that is the first season of The Flash. It is a gentle and beautiful romance that is well written and I highly recommend it!

fandom: the flash, ship: caitlin snow/joe west, ship: iris west/barry allen

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