Two Jennifer Keller/Ronon Dex, Stargate: Atlantis Fics

Jan 09, 2016 15:54

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: Jennifer Keller/Ronon Dex
Title: come out of books to people orchards
Author: siriaeve
Rating/Warning(s): Teen and up
Word Count/WIP?: 2600/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: seren_ccd
Special Rec: 14 of 30

Why This Must Be Read: You know those quiet fics that leave with that lovely feeling of comfort and tingles? This is one of those fics. It’s a college!AU that keeps everyone in character and you just want to be there with them. The romance between Jennifer and Ronon feels effortless and kind. You will have all the warm feelings after reading this fic.

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: Jennifer Keller/Ronon Dex
Title: Tequila
Author: white raven
Rating/Warning(s): Teen and up, drinking
Word Count/WIP?: 4517/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: seren_ccd
Special Rec: 15 of 30

Why This Must Be Read: This was one of the first Jen/Ronon fics I read and it’s wonderful. It’s funny, sweet, and sexy; did I mention sexy? Because this is sexy. Also I think every fic should have at least one instance of John Sheppard being a meddling meddler who meddles.

ship: jennifer keller/ronon dex, fandom: stargate: atlantis, special reccer: seren_ccd

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