This Time by greyathena (Mature)

Dec 12, 2015 10:18

Not sure this is long enough to fit Epic Recs month, but I've been meaning to rec it since she finished it, and it is pretty long, so here you go:

Fandom: The Librarians (2014)
Pairing: Eve Baird/Flynn Carsen
Title: This Time
Author: greyathena
Rating/Warning(s): Mature - no warnings
Word Count: 51,174 in 10 chapters, complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: tinnny

Why This Must Be Read: It's got a beautifully long slow burn and wonderful analysis of both characters' doubts and issues. It's told out of sequence, from multiple POVs, and still feels like a coherent whole.

I have no idea how she manages to make the sex so hot without being all that explicit.

fandom: the librarians, ship: eve baird/flynn carsen

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