'Hey Sugar, Are You Rationed?' (Star Trek AOS, Kirk/Uhura)

May 31, 2010 16:26

Title: Hey Sugar, Are You Rationed?
Author: merisunshine36 
Rating/Wordcount: PG-13, ~8,000
Pairing: Kirk/Uhura
Original Prompt: Kirk/Uhura WWII AU: He gets shot down over Germany. She comes after him with extreme badassery.
Warnings: References to historical incidents of anti-Semitism and lynching.
Notes:  Betaed lighting-quick by the wonderful leftarrow and the fabulous lindmere , any remaining mistakes are my own:
Disclaimer Star Trek and its characters are the property of Parmount Pictures/CBS, I am not making any money from this:

World War 2 looms over the horizon as Uhura manages the daily trials of her Montmartre jazz cafe and the motley crew of entertainers and expats that hold it together. When a wounded young man shows up on her doorstep, things don't get any easier.

rating: pg-13, fandom: star trek reboot

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