Title: How I Got My Squishy
kerrie13 Fandom: Transformers 2007!movieverse
Pairing: Frenzy/Maggie Madsen
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Bot/human possessiveness, swearing
Prompt: “36. mental link: characters have, or suddenly develop, a psychic/telepathic bond”
Summery: Maggie thought she was going crazy, turns out, she was. In a way. But then, a yappy, frenetic bot could make anyone crazy.
She never told anyone, but she had been hearing voices for sometime.
Well, actually, it was one voice, and it was very intermitted.
At first, she thought she was going crazy. It had started the moment she had picked up on the foreign signal hacking the defense network. In the beginning she hadn’t even known it was there, since she was currently listening to the signal on a headset. It was only after she had been arrested for taking the signal to Glenn that she began to notice something wrong with her head.
The constant buzzing and clicking were her first tip off. When the static encompassed her brain turned into a chittering sort noise, she knew something was very wrong. Buzzing static could be a symptom of some kind of disease, or simply from stress. She had been under a lot of stress. But the clearing clicking of an alien voice was definitely a sign of something deeper and more disturbing than stress.
She couldn’t understand the voice. All she knew was that it was a bit frenetic and that whoever belonged to it needed to take a chill pill. It raged in her mind almost constantly after it cleared and had kept her distracted throughout the entire interrogation. She had had enough peace to blurt out the crap about Sector Seven and Project Iceman, but that was about it.
When Defense Secretary Keller arrived to inform her that she was his new advisor and that they were going to Nevada, the chattering dimmed. Her mind was so full of other things that it didn’t have the time to contemplate where the strange voice came from. Plus, it seemed, that as time went by her brain learned how to handle the voice and how to quiet it to a dull murmuring without too much trouble. Maggie was happy for this.
Of course the underground, Hoover Damn, battle-for-your-life-against-shuriken-wielding-alien-robots had all but shot this defense to hell. The moment the small silver robot began to fling itself against the door, the chattering renewed to the point of ridiculous. It was all she could do to follow instructions.
It hadn’t occurred to her then, that the voice was coming from the robotic organism. She was far too focused on her life. She didn’t even notice when the voice disappeared when the things own shuriken came back and it in the head.
She only remembered the voice when it returned almost a day later when she was on a plane back to Washington. It was muted and garbled, but it was there and in her extreme state of exhaustion, she cried.
Not that she could have told anyone why she was crying, but most of the people in the private jet with her just assumed that it was due to the ordeal that she had been through. They obviously didn’t know her that well. Maggie Madsen didn’t cry over things like psychotic death-robots trying to kill her - that was Glenn’s field. When she cried, there was always a good reason for it.
Glenn realized this, seeing as he was one of her good friend, but he didn’t ask any questions. He merely extended his arms and hugged her while she cried herself to sleep.
Days of torture later, she really thought she was going crazy. The government had seen fit to give her time off, as well as a generous bonus for helping to save the world, but these things were really trivial when you thought you were losing your mind. The chittering was almost constant by then, and was back to full strength as well. The longer she listened to it (and she had nothing better to do than to listen to it), the more she was able to pick out individual characteristics in the constant stream of foreign noise.
Like emotion, for one. To the casual ear, the voice was simply a non-random sequence of squeaks, clicks and growls. But, to the experienced ear, which she had become, the sequence held far more depth. He was angry (though Lord knew how she knew it was a he in the first place), almost constantly, and she had a feeling that if she could actually understand his language, she would learn a hundred new ways to swear.
After the third day of listening to it with nothing to distract her, Maggie had had enough. Snapping, she slammed her hands over her ears and screamed “Shut up! Why can’t you just be quiet for ten bloody minutes?!”
The scary part about the next few minutes was that the voice actually did silence itself. There was a lengthy pause where both she and the voice said and thought nothing. It was refreshing for Maggie, though she knew that her luck couldn’t be good enough to have him disappear for good.
It occurred to her in that moment that she was hearing his thoughts and that for whatever reason, he could apparently hear hers as well. It was the only explanation for him stopping when she demanded it. If she could hear him constantly, did that mean that he could hear her constantly? If he could, then why hadn’t he complained? Surely, it was driving him nuts, whoever he was.
After the blissful silence, his voice was a shattering realization that he would likely never truly go away again. Organic thought processors are so primitive.
The use of English shocked her, and Maggie blinked for several long seconds. Wait, what?
The screechy, clicking language that had filled her head for the past week should have clued her in to the fact that whatever she was now connected with wasn’t human. She was slightly ashamed to realize that it hadn’t even occurred to her that she had somehow become connected with one of the aliens, likely one of the aliens that had hacked the defense network in the first place.
She comforted herself with the thought that it hadn’t occurred to her because it wasn’t possible and that no one else seemed to be suffering from the same affliction.
You can understand me, can’t you insect?
Maggie scowled instantly, hands clenching into fists. There was only one group of aliens rude enough to refer to humans in such derogatory ways. She had a Decepticon in her head. Lovely. As if her life hadn’t changed irreparably as it was.
Hey Squishy, are you listening? I told you to come get me.
She fought for patience, or at least a scrap of sanity. She was sorely lacking both. I have a name, and it isn’t ‘Squishy’.
It is now fleshling. Hurry up, I don’t want to wait forever.
Sighing, Maggie ran a hand down her face. I don’t want to ‘come get you’. In fact, I would rather you stayed as far away from me as possible.
I don’t slagging care what you want. Come get me or I will flood your pitiful cerebral processors with so much information that your head will implode!
Even in English his voice was chattery to the point of annoying. Maggie sighed again. Fine, where are you, whatever you are?
I am in the hell-hole you slaggers left me. Autobot-lover, I demand you rectify the situation!
He said it like it was the worst insult in the history of the universe. It probably was, to a Decepticon.
That being said, she wasn’t going to fly all the way to Nevada and back to pick up some Decepticon cast off. Why don’t you just drive yourself to wherever you want to go and leave me alone?
If I could drive myself, you dirty fleshbag, don’t you think I would have already?!
These words were followed by a loud metallic screeching she just knew was meant to cause her physical pain and it did, forcing her to clutch at her head and groan.
See? See? You’re going to get more than that if you don’t come and get me flesh creature!
Fine! It will be at least ten hours. Probably more. Just stop the screeching, Maggie winced, feeling her head reverberate beneath her hands.
You’d better not be late! The screeching returned, but it wasn’t painful. Instead, it was much like the chittering that had been going on for days. Maggie thought perhaps he was swearing at her. She certainly got the impression.
After a few minutes, the noise stopped, leaving Maggie to her own devices as she hastily threw together an overnight bag and called the airline.
By the time she landed at McCarran in Las Vegas ten hours and stop over in Dallas later, Maggie was seriously displeased. The yapping Decepticon had remained silent for the first eight hours, which allowed her to sleep a bit. Just after the eight hour mark, he started chittering again, clicking and growling at her like she actually knew what he was saying. He didn’t bother with English, apparently feeling that he could better express his annoyance with her by filling her head with garbled metallic noise instead of comprehensible words.
She had tried several times to get him to either switch to English or to shut up all together, but he ignored her. It was only after she threatened to turn around and leave him, opting for a painful death, that he finally fell silent once more.
That he could apparently turn the connection on and off was extremely aggravating. She only wished she could block him out as he seemed to do her. Unfortunately, the power remained solely in his metallic grasp.
She had figured out by then which Decepticon was demanding her presence. That he couldn’t drive himself was a pretty good tip off, as was the fact that he had survived. They knew of only one solidly that had survived, and had good feelings about another, as well as suspicions of yet another. Of the three that lived, she had only met one, and he was the only one she knew of that couldn’t travel great distances by himself.
The Autobots called him Frenzy, and he had been the one to hack Air Force One. He had also tried to kill her, which left her to question why on Earth she was flying across the country to pick him up. Death, or death, both seemed particularly bleak options. If she left him, he’d fry her brain, but if she picked him up he might just kill her then too. Of course, with the latter option there was at least the chance of survival. Perhaps he would be so grateful he would spare her pitiful fleshy life?
Maggie was forced to rent a car at the airport, since she didn’t know how far away the little cretin was. The clerk had given her a sporty sedan, a Chevy Cobalt, and Maggie actually found herself pausing as she approached it. It was silly, but after dealing with giant alien robots that turned into cars, she was a bit apprehensive about unknown vehicles.
When the car did not immediately transform or attempt any sort of communication, Maggie relaxed and got in, tossing her bag into the backseat. Now what?
He didn’t honestly expect her to drive around Nevada for days and days until she came across him did he? That was absurd, and even the frenetic little hacker had to realize that. Of course, she wouldn’t put it past him to make her go through that for a few days until he decided that it was time for her to show up.
Okay you little monster, where the hell are you? Nevada is a big state.
She knew that he could hear her, even if he had blocked her out he would get the message. She just knew.
After a lengthy, and no doubt purposeful silence, he replied, Right where I was left fleshling.
Hoover Dam then? Really, how was he not discovered if he was still there?
If that’s what you insects call the concrete atrocity you had the gall to imprison Lord Megatron in. Hurry up already, I’m going to rust and it’s cold in this Primus-forsaken wasteland.
The forty or so miles between McCarran and the Hoover Damn felt like eternity. Now that she was almost upon him, Frenzy took it upon himself to inform her of all her species faults, as well as all the reasons why Decepticons were clearly the superior species. When he ran out of these sort of things, he just talked, about nothing and everything, mostly about the internet and about some of the depraved things you could find there.
Did you know, Squishy, that your sad little species has thought up over a hundred thousand ways to blow things up? It would be quite the achievement if you weren’t so stupid in so many other ways.
Yes, it’s one of our crowning achievements, she thought back, rolling her eyes as she pulled into the deserted dam’s parking lot.
Seeing as it was past midnight, there was no one around, which Maggie figured was good since she was about to rescue a stranded alien. She didn’t really want to explain why she was carting around whatever it was Frenzy changed into to some passing tourist. No matter how tired she was, she was just as happy it was nighttime.
“If you expect me to somehow crawl down the cliff, you’re sorely mistaken!” She called into the night, walking up the ledge and looking down.
The yellowish lights still shone from the buildings below, what was left of them anyway. The dam was but a pale shadow of what it once was, crumbling and cracked, but not broken. She wondered when the government was going to start repairs on it. It was far too important of an energy source to just let it fall completely into disrepair. Plus, it hid too many secrets.
Shut up you fleshy abomination! The sound of metal scraping on pavement followed the weary growl and Maggie turned to see a silver shape materializing from the darkness to the right.
He was pretty much in the same state they had left him inside the dam, only a bit more functional. Some of his head had grown back, the portion around his remaining eye, and most of his limbs seemed to be in working order, though he was limping a bit on the right side. Maggie tilted her head and remained where she was standing. “Why me? Beyond the fact that I seemed to be cursed with hearing you day in and day out.”
Frenzy faltered, more because his energy was low and it had taken a lot to drag himself up the mountain than because he was surprised by her question. His one optic glared as he forced himself not to fall over onto his face. It was bad enough he had had to turn to the fleshy femme for help. “Can’t find Barricade or others…” he muttered in a growly tone.
Staring down at his gibbled form, Maggie felt herself taking some pity on him. Though he was bossy and annoying, he was also injured and alone. His friends were dead or missing and there were a bunch of people in the world that wanted him dead.
“You tell the cursed Autobots where I am, fleshbag and I’ll make sure to take you with me!”
For one so small and relatively helpless (she wasn’t stupid enough to believe that he was completely helpless), he was mouthy and full of threats. He shook one clawed appendage at her in a menacing fashion, though it made her want to laugh more than it threatened her. “If you don’t stop threatening me, I am going to get into the car and leave you, and then we’ll both be screwed.”
Frenzy knew they were at a stalemate. He could kill her, but then he was as good as dead if he remained out there. Without some repairs and a quiet, warm place to recharge he would die within a few days. And the slagging human dirt bag knew it.
She had guts, and a vicious streak that surprised him. Willing to kill herself just to spite him. That was a Decepticon trait if he ever saw one, and for that he found himself beginning to tolerate the idea of her. “Are you going to remain standing there, bi-pedal insect spawn?”
Maggie sighed heavily, irritation flaring over her exhaustion. “Oh yes, we are going to get along fine,” she muttered as she stepped over to him. Leaning over, she scooped him up, hugging his thin frame against her as she glared down at him. “You can’t transform can you?”
Warmer already, Frenzy poked at her half-heartedly with one of his fingers. “Stating the obvious must be a general fleshbag trait.”
“Maggie Madsen, are you aware that you have a Decepticon hanging on your back?”
Optimus Prime’s dry, but concerned voice greeted Maggie as she stepped out of the car into the clearing that was currently filled with Autobots. It was accompanied by the whirring noise of Ironhide’s canons and the distinct shuffling of Bumblebee and Ratchet as they prepared for some sort of action.
Frenzy hissed and chattered from Maggie’s shoulder, spitting Cybertronian curses at the other alien robots. His weight sat comfortably on her back as she moved into the circle of Autobots, facing their incredulity along with the rest of the humans’ as well.
“Yes, I am aware,” she answered lightly, as if it was nothing that she had one of their enemies riding around with her.
When Frenzy’s voice gained volume, Maggie reached up and flicked his repaired head, earning a nip for her trouble. Stop that, you’re not helping! She admonished internally, glaring at him from the corner of her eyes.
I’m not trying to help Squishy, he replied, sounding haughty and defiant. Slagging Autobot scum.
“I should have left you at home.” She muttered.
“Like I was going to let my Squishy meet Autobots without me.” He made a sound that sounded suspiciously like a scoff and went back to chittering at the Autobots.
“Um Maggie…”
The blond woman prayed for patience as she once again flicked her noisy companion. “It’s easier if you don’t ask. I went crazy, that’s all there is to it.”
She would never know for sure what Frenzy said then, and she wasn’t sure she really wanted to. What she did know was that whatever it was, it made the Autobots stop and stare for a good, long minute before shifting uncomfortably and moving on. Even Ironhide, supreme hater of all things Decepticon said nothing after.
Though she would never know for sure, she had the distinct impression it was something along the lines of: Touch my Squishy and die.