Lord of the Rings (Eomer/Lothiriel)

Aug 15, 2007 21:56

Title: Of Kings and Queens
Author/Artist: findingfaramir
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Eomer/Lothiriel
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Prompt: Lord of the Rings - Eomer/Lothiriel - When the Prince of Dol Amroth
visits Meduseld and brings his daughter with him, Eomer is pleasantly
surprised by the differences in culture. Horses(!), old swords,
dramatic nighttime scenes, strong-willed princesses, and some Arda
mythology would be amazing. Any rating would be fine.
A/N: Sorry this is an hour or so late! I decided to add a few drabbles to the drawing, since the prompt originally asked for fic. :) Also, I had a lot of fun with Lothiriel - we may not know anything about her, but any woman capable of catching Eomer has to be totally badass.

Disclaimer: I am not a writer! And this is completely unbetaed (not to mention written at 1 in the morning!). But the ideas were there, and I wanted to share them. :)

Of Kings and Queens

It was nearly dawn before the court of Rohan and their guests abandoned the hall, finally having had their fill of food, drink and merriment. There were a few men slumbering peacefully at the long trestle tables, a few whispered goodbyes and laughter from the darker corners. The king himself was outside, watching the sun rise over the stables, when he felt a hand on his arm. It was the bold, smiling daughter of the prince who had arrived only this morning from Dol Amroth.

"My lady," he greeted her.

"Your court knows how to throw a revel!" She was smiling and remarkably alert, considering the hour. "I have enjoyed myself very much."

"Then I am glad," said Eomer, returning her smile, "though I confess my surprise that your father-" he stopped himself, not wanting to seem discourteous.

“That he approved?” The young lady laughed, and placed a hand briefly on his arm. “Not only in Rohan are the women brave and joyous. The drinking contests were especially enjoyable, but I am afraid some of your men will bear their losses hard.” She stepped back. “Good night, Eomer-king - or should I say, good morning.”


He caught but fleeting glances of her the next few days. The next time they spoke was in the late afternoon, as she watched some of the grooms exercise the two tall dark mares her father had brought from Dol Amroth as a gift. It was a short exchange of greetings, but Eomer left her side with a firm desire to know her better.


She remained a puzzle to him, tall and beautiful almost as an elf-princess, her hands equally comfortable with an embroidery needle and a skittish horse’s reins.


He was an open book to her, but one she delighted to read. Eomer was a man who lived life without hesitation.


They found themselves leading the royal party once, on an afternoon hunt through the fields surrounding Edoras. The dark border of the forest stretched out beside them. Eomer slowed his horse to a walk, staring at the trees. Lothiriel matched his pace and her eyes followed his.

“I have heard tales of this forest,” she murmured. “They say that there are ancient beings there, which have been watching since the beginning of time itself.”

“My people used to say that it was cursed,” replied Eomer, in his mind seeing the dark line of trees that had overwhelmed the forces of Sauruman outside of Helm’s Deep, and the eyes of the weathered giants who had toppled Isengard. “Now they say that it is blessed.”


She surveyed the corridor, and, finding no audience, pressed him swiftly against the side of the stall and kissed him fiercely. Her hair ran over his fingers like black silk. He decided to that as a ‘yes, my lord, I would be honored to become your wife and your queen’ and kissed her back.

findingfaramir, lord of the rings

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