Fic: Weaving Together (FFVII, Zack/Aeris/Cloud/Tifa, PG)

Aug 16, 2007 00:26

Title: Weaving Together
Author/Artist: GW Katrina aka icedark_elf
Beta: forgottenlover
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Zack/Aeris/Cloud/Tifa
Wordcount: 2,389
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Prompt: Zack/Aeris/Cloud/Tifa, in an AU where Zack is alive and joins the main party. Any scene from the game, although the four of them sneaking into the ship in Junon in military uniforms could be interesting, as could them cross-dressing to get into Don Corneo's mansion.

A/N: I ended up playing the game again just to get the feel of a few scenes. Hope you like it.

Weaving Together

Everything was green.

It had been green for a long time. Everything was covered in a haze of it, and most of the time, he wasn't even able to see through that haze.

He remembered things going on around him, but not what they meant. It was hard holding onto the simplest thoughts, though things seemed to be getting better lately. Still, the haze made it hard to think. The whispers didn't help at all, murmuring in and out of his hearing, saying things he could almost get, but never quite grasping.

Then the green collected itself. The haze seeped away, curling around itself until it was dark and focused into two spots.

Not haze.


"You know," came a soft, sad voice, "this was not how I imagined us meeting."

He blinked.

Then he paused. He hadn't be able to react to anything in a long time. Even a blink that he had done out of surprise was something new.

The voices had faded, and he could focus, really focus on the green eyes that were looking at him. They were a girl's eyes, and she was looking down at him, pleased and looking tired.

"Who...?" His voice was rough, almost painful to use.

"You've been sleeping a long time, Cloud. Zack'll be happy that you woke up," she said, smile growing. "He'll be home soon. Do you remember Zack?" There was a hint of worry in her tone.

Zack? Zack. He thought hard, and got a flash of black hair and a big grin. Oh! Zack! He nodded, throat hurting enough he didn't want to use his voice anymore.

There was a slight change in the air around them, and the woman smiled. "Good. He'll be happy to hear that. A little irked that he wasn't here when you woke up." She suddenly held out her hand.

"Hello, Cloud. I'm not sure if Zack mentioned me, but I'm Aeris."

Still a bit off, Cloud took her hand. The name rang bells, he was sure of it. He would figure it out later, though. He was sure of it.

Now that he was awake.


That couldn't be who she thought it was.

But that hair was really distinctive.


The man started, turning some. When she saw the glow in the blue eyes, Tifa paused. Cloud wasn't' dressed like a SOLDIER. A mishmash of trooper and SOLDIER gear, with random other things thrown in, but the glow in his eyes said he must have gotten in.

The curious stare she was getting made her bristle some. It -was- Cloud. She was sure of it. So why was he looking at her like that. "Cloud, it's been so long. I haven't seen you since...." She paused. "Since you left Nibelheim."

Mentioning Nibelheim seemed to make to trigger something, as recognition flooded in. "Tifa?"

Feeling herself relax some, Tifa smiled at him. "It -is- you. Cloud, what are you doing down here? Did you get into SOLDIER?" She knew he hadn't been in SOLDIER last time she had seen him, and she didn't quite understand why he would want to be in Shin-Ra's elite force after what had happened.

"I...." He paused, shifting a bit. "Not exactly. What are you doing now?"

"Not much." She grinned. "Want to come down to my bar and we can catch up over a few drinks?"

"You own a bar?"

The surprise and small grin he gave her made Tifa smile back, pleased at his reaction. "Yep. The Seventh Heaven."

Cloud glanced back at the clock that rested on the wall of the train station they were in, then nodded. "I have time." He looked at her again. "Lead on."

Reaching out, she grabbed his hand, ignoring the blink of surprise from him, and started to tug him along. She hadn't seen the man in a long time, and they had a lot to catch up on.

Starting with how he got SOLDIER eyes.


Of the three of them, the one person Zack hadn't expected to drag someone back to the church was Cloud. But there was the man now, a woman following him closely. She looked familiar, and Zack frowned slightly as he tried to place her. He figured it out just as Cloud was introducing her to Aeris.


The surprised look she gave him made him grimace a bit. Surprise and a little fear. "I'm not anymore crazy now than I was before," he said, keeping back. He remembered the last words he and the girl had shared, and it seemed as if she and Cloud were getting along well. Didn't want to mess that up for Cloud. As much as he loved the man, the blond had always been wary of most people. It was nice to see him reaching out.

Right now, though, he was focused on Tifa, who was eyeing him closely. "Why are -you- here?" she asked, voice low.

"He's Cloud's and mine boyfriend," Aeris said, watching Tifa as well. "He's being put to work helping me move soil. It's his boyfriend job."

Tifa's mouth formed a little "oh" sound, and she looked from Zack to Cloud with a whole new light. Zack could almost feel Cloud's heart breaking as Tifa seemed to shift away from him as well, and he wondered just how strong Cloud's crush had been.

And if it had just been a one way crush.

"Let's go out for dinner," he said, suddenly. "The pack-bird boyfriend is tired and would like food. Tifa, won't you join us? It's nice to see Cloud with someone he cares about that isn't me or Aeris. The kid seriously needs to make more friends."

Given the speculative look Aeris was giving him, and the looks of utter confusion from Cloud and Tifa, he had probably convinced them all he was crazy. But that was okay. It would give Cloud and Tifa more time, and Zack was sure that Aeris and the girl would get along wonderfully. And maybe he could convince Tifa he wasn't some Sephiroth-reborn.

Plus, food really did sound good.


"Aeris. No."

Aeris just looked at them. "We need to save Tifa, and you know they won't let guys in."

She ignored the glare Cloud was giving her. "It's a good idea and you know it."

"Aeris, babe, no offense, but -nobody- is going to believe that either of us are girls. Spike is smaller than me, but he's still a little too broad shouldered for a girl. Not to mention his very nice arms are very much not-girly arms."

She smiled at them. Oh, her poor, poor, country boys. Zack was better about it than Cloud, but sometimes, you just realized how sheltered they were.

And it was so nice to be proven right, several hours later. Cloud was still scowling, and Zack had that resigned expression on his face that meant he was sure he looked stupid, but would put up with it for people he cared about.

Aeris was busy trying to figure out where she could get a camera from. Because her boys were very, very hot girls.

Though now Zack was eyeing Cloud, and there was speculation going on behind that resigned look, and she knew she had at least one vote for dressing someone up like a girl again. Cloud was still too busy scowling still, but she figured once he had gotten a good look at Zack, well, things would change.

And when Tifa got a look at them, Aeris would so have a solid vote in her corner.

Smiling to herself, she started to coach them on how to move.


Cloud really wasn't sure where all these people kept coming from that wanted to join the group hunting Sephiroth. But his life was like that a lot lately, it seemed. Here they were, chasing Sephiroth, who should have been dead, somehow he not only has his old boyfriend, but had picked up two girlfriends as well. And that was just weird. He had always been the more reserved, quiet one. And now he was sorta dating three other people.

Life was so odd at times.

Right now, though, he was watching Zack close. The man was starting out over the scenery with a kind of shocked, horrified expression. Not that Cloud blamed him. He was vaguely remembering Nibelheim now, and that had been bad. For Zack to find out the hard way that the reactor in his hometown had blown up....

Then the other man was heading for what was left of town. Cloud was right on his heels, and he heard others right behind him. Zack didn't even slow down for the Turks that suddenly popped up. He had simply cut into the jungle around them and vanished into the greenery. Reno made to go after him, but Rude called him back. After a fight, with Aeris on one side of him and Tifa on the other, that ended with the Turks running off, Cloud went after Zack, still being trailed by the girls.

He found him being hugged to death by an older couple. He watched and finally figured out these were Zack's -parents-.

No wonder Zack had been frantic when he realized the damage done to the town.

What Cloud hadn't expected was Zack, after returning the hugs and several worried questions on their health, had waved at Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris.

"Mom, Dad, that is Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris. They're people I care for. A lot."

Something in his tone made Cloud's chest tighten. He knew Zack cared for him. A lot. He didn't think it was as much as he had for Aeris. But...the way he said that....

After a few moments of study, Zack's mom suddenly smiled at them and reached out and snagged Cloud's arm. Dragging him along, ignoring his total confusion, she started to ask what people wanted for dinner. Cloud had the impression that trying to refuse would either be ignored or argued away.

No wonder Zack liked Aeris. This is what the woman would turn into eventually. And...that was a nice thing to know.


Zack hated this town. A lot.

But, at the moment, he was more confused than anything.

From the look on Tifa and Cloud's faces, they were just as confused.

"This...." Tifa rasped, eyes wide. "This was all -gone-. Why is it here again?"

Cloud's face was pale as he returned from talking to someone. "And why doesn't anyone remember?" He glared around the town. "It burnt to the ground. Sephiroth killed almost everyone. Why doesn't anyone remember it?"

Zack didn't know, and couldn't offer up any real explanations. Most of his attention was focused on the house on the edge of town.

Shinra Mansion.

He and Cloud were both far too familiar with the basement of that place. He didn't want to go back, not even now. Over a year out, and he could still remember what had happened in there as if it had happened yesterday.

Cloud wasn't even looking at the house.

Around them, Zack was aware of the looks being directed their way. The others seemed to be able to tell how uncomfortable the enhanced men were, and that didn't help anyone at all.

Still, if anything might explain what was going on, it was probably in the mansion.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Zack kept a shiver out of his spine. "We need to check the mansion," he said roughly. Feeling Aeris touch his arm, he gave her a weak smile and headed for it.

Maybe, if it wasn't occupied, he and Cloud could figure out a thing or two that had been done to them.

Or maybe they could burn the place to the ground. That worked for Zack as well.


Wutai was much different than what she had expected.

Even if they were running all over the place trying to track down Yuffie and get their materia back, Tifa couldn't help but be fascinated with the things here. The things in the shops kept catching her eyes, and she was keeping mental notes of how that color would look good on Cloud, how that would work nicely in Aeris's hair, how Zack would like that.

Maybe later, after all of this, if they all survived, she could come back. They would take a vacation here, and just relax.

It made her pause.

She was counting on this to last.

That was good, right? It was unexpected, though. She wasn't even sure when it had really begun, but it had, and she found herself happy with this strange relationship she found herself in. There would have been so many disapproving sounds if this had happened in Nibelheim.

But it wasn't Nibelheim.

And there was something bigger going on than what a few villagers might think of her and her lovers.

If they survived, she was definitely dragging them all back here for a vacation. Visit those hot springs that she kept hearing about.

The idea made her smile, and, suddenly, she couldn't wait for this adventure to be over. Take down Sephiroth, deal with Shin-Ra, then a bit of rest and relaxation.

She really liked that plan. She'd talk to the others about it tonight.


She didn't want this.

She -hated- this. It wasn't fair.

Cloud was sleeping, the possession and partial change that seemed to happen having worn him out.

Sephiroth had the Black Materia.

Tifa was sleeping in the same room as Cloud, Zack watching both of them. He had given her a tight hug before she had gone out to take a walk, and she wondered if he knew what she had planned on doing. If that had anything to do with the armlet he had pressed onto her before she left.

She had promised to come back.

The lie was bitter in her mouth.

She loved them. She didn't want to lose them.

But she had something to do that only she could do.

She had paused, finding a safe place to be distracted for a few minutes, and said goodbye to Tifa and Cloud as best she could.

She was the last of her people.

Aeris went north.

final fantasy 7, icedark_elf

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