fanfic: YuGiOh!, Bakura/Ryou/Anzu, Three to Tango

Aug 14, 2007 14:25

Title: Three to Tango
Author: misura
Fandom: YuGiOh!
Pairing: Bakura/Ryou/Anzu
Rating: PG
Warnings: closer to 1000 words than I'd have liked
Prompt: YGO fic - Anzu/Bakura, Anzu/Ryou (Or any combination there of between dark spirit and host). Either Duelist Kingdom or Battle City, Anzu spends a lot of time with Ryou in Duelist Kingdom, and sleeps at Ryou/Bakura's bedside in Battle City, maybe explore these? Or if you want, complete AU!crack is fine too XD (Alternate: Anzu/Pharaoh (Yami))

What Bakura'd like to do is this: lock the door to his Soulroom and wait for things to be over, after which he'll come out and demand Ryou to bake him some pancakes. He doesn't like crowds - not like this, at any rate. He likes crowds that he can slip through without being noticed, while anyone who's after him is unable to follow him. Given the chance to get to see one, Bakura thinks he could also get to like a crowd of people who are terrified by him, bowing down and calling him 'master', but all things considered, that's likely to remain a fantasy, and a bit of a silly one at that - where's the fun in stealing from people who are too cowed by you to refuse you anything, after all? Taxes might be a form of theft, but Bakura doubts it gives one anywhere near the same amount of satisfaction.

Besides, from what Bakura's seen of the modern world so far, he's not sure if he wants to be a part of it, let alone rule it. There's too many people, too many changes, and not nearly enough things worth having. He's heard Kaiba's house being described as a 'palace' but it looks more like a tomb to Bakura; he'd rather die than live in a place like that. Nobody seems to have any idea of what a proper house is supposed to look like anymore, let alone a proper palace or pyramid.

Therefore, what Bakura does is this: he tries to make himself comfortable, tells himself that after five-thousand years of being all by himself, he can put up with one hour of being surrounded by people whose lack of attention would be gratifying if they'd actually been carrying any real money and if Bakura'd have thought Ryou'd let him get away with some pick-pocketing practice.

It works for perhaps two minutes.


If there's anything strange about this, it's that she doesn't feel like there's anything strange about this - she feels fine, a little nervous, perhaps, but also very determined to do this and get it exactly right, like it's a performance, and the dress a costume. (She looks good in it, she knows.)

Some might say she's lost the ability to tell them apart at some point - she thinks of it as having gained the ability to see them as one person, one kind, shy boy who goes by the name of Bakura Ryou and who can, on occasion, be a hero or a villain. Sometimes, he can be both.

When she looks in the mirror one last time, her reflection offers her a brave smile, and then she's off, or on, as the case may be.


The most beautiful girl in the world is wearing white, and this is how the world is going to end.

It's going to end in tears and fireworks, and maybe there'll be cake, too, although Ryou's not entirely sure of that, since it's not as if he doesn't know how Bakura feels about sweet things, or sharing, and Ryou's made the mistake of telling Bakura that no, the cake wasn't a gift - it seemed smart at the time, but upon reflection, it wasn't, because if Bakura'd viewed the cake as a gift, he'd probably have left at least two-thirds of it standing.

"You're nervous," Bakura observes, kicking in an open door and helping himself to the picture-book of Ryou's most personal emotions - it's annoying, especially because Ryou can't do the same; Bakura's feelings are all written in a foreign language, and while Ryou can admire a fine piece of Ancient Egyptian art when he sees it, it's less than informative about what Bakura's really thinking. "She's not going to run away at the last minute."

Anzu's family is there - an army of cousins and nieces and nephews and aunts and a few uncles, and Ryou's getting the uncomfortable feeling they're all looking at him and thinking bad things about him - because, let's face it, he's not exactly Kaiba Seto or even Muto Yugi.

He's nobody special, really - aside from the fact that he's got a five-thousand-year-old spirit living in his head. Telling them that probably wouldn't go over well, although Ryou thinks that if he has to stand here waiting for one more minute, he just might climb on top of a table and make a general announcement along those lines.

"The dress would trip her up." Bakura browses through Ryou's memories of his own family, which are few and far in between, after his sister's death. "Ingenious."

Bakura sees the same things Ryou does. The difference lies in the way he looks at them.

"Maybe you should have worn a dress, too." Ryou's father sent him a post-card - 'Hope you're well & good luck'. Ryou'd like to think the wedding-invitation got lost in the mail, or perhaps that Bakura fished it out of the mailbox when Ryou wasn't looking and burnt it.

"I'm not going to run away," he tells Bakura.

Ryou's friends are here, but not his family. They're Anzu's friends, too, of course - only this once, Ryou thinks he should be allowed to feel a little possessive. His friends. His life. His love.

"Our victory," Bakura says. Yugi's looking at them from the other end of the room - Ryou lifts his hand to wave, but then he notices Yami staring out of Yugi's eyes, and he changes his mind.

Anzu's never told him she's stopped loving Yami. Ryou wants to believe it's enough she tells him she loves *him* - both of him. It's enough that she said 'yes'. Ryou won't let it not be enough.

yugioh, misura

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