Author Sign Up Deadline is Looming Ever Closer

May 11, 2017 16:41

The May 17th deadline is on the horizon!!

For those of you who may be dangling on the fence trying to decide whether to sign up as an author or not, the deadline is looming ever closer. If it's a plot that's holding you up, head over to this post to leave a comment with possible ideas, and we'll set up a poll for others to help you decide, and you never know, someone may just plant another, possibly better idea. :D Everything is possible!

We're also mirroring this year's big bang challenge over on Dreamwidth. I admit we didn't do so well with this endeavor last year, but this year is going to be a success! Check out all the interesting story ideas that our DW members have signed up to write!!

And for those of you who are debating if you even want to sign up for a BIG BANG, come on and give it a try! I sign up every year, and only finished a story the first time around, but I'm still going to try again. I figure that for me, the worst that will happen is that I don't get it done on time (again!). But hey, if you think you may have time to work on a story for us (and I know some people just have too much going on right now to even consider it), we do have a support group at het_banghelp (open only to challenge participants) where you can find writing events and other posts designed to help you write your story (the schedule will go up soon), not to mention lots of people willing to cheer you on, so you may surprise yourself!

In the meantime, we could really use some help in getting the word out that we need more authors, artists, betas, and cheerleaders, so please consider pimping / sending out a signal boost to your friends and comms that allow this type of activity. The more people we get to participate, the more stories and artworks we get to savor!!

Oh, and you can find banners, icons and the codes at this post. And if you have any questions, please feel free to PM either red_b_rackham, or me, traycer_, or leave a comment on the Page a Mod post. We're always happy to respond!! :)

!admin, hbb2017, support comm

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