Hello everyone! Our 4th Check-In is now closed! If you missed it, an email will go out letting you know that you have been dropped from HetBang 2022. If you have been paired with an author (both 5k Little Bang and 10k Big Bang) or fanworker via claims, and you have not reached out to us to let us know you need to drop out due to something major happening (sickness, injury, accident, etc.), you will be banned for one round.
If you missed the check-in and still wish to participate, please contact mods ASAP, so that we can mark you as still participating! If you need to drop out and something major has happened (sickness, injury, accident, etc.) please just let us know and there will be no consequences for dropping out. Anyone that doesn't contact us will be banned, as we won't know about a situation unless we're told.
Mods will go over check-in information and make another post in a few days deciding how many stories can be posted per day, starting with at least 2 per day. This will not affect authors that choose to do chaptered posting. Posting instructions will go out at the end of September.
Important Posting Information for Authors and Fanworkers:
Posting Date Claims will open October 1st and run through October 15th. Instructions on how to post will be posted at the end of September, before Posting Date Claims begins. Please keep in contact with your authors/fanworkers, if you’re working with one, so that your group can coordinate a posting date that works for all of you!
After the September check-in is closed, mods will make a determination on the maximum number of stories that can be posted per day, starting with at least 2 per day. This is to help spread stories out!
Posting will begin October 16th and run through November 19th. November 20th-30th will be the Amnesty Period, which is for any author or fanworker to post their work, if they missed their posting date!
Starting this year, chaptered posting is allowed. Authors can start posting their works on October 16th, and they have until their chosen posting date to have their work posted in its entirety. Posting before Sunday, October 16th is not allowed. Authors choosing to post chapters separately do not need to claim additional dates, just a final posting date when they intend to post their last chapter. Authors do not need to inform mods of their intended posting schedule, mods will only be checking for completed works based on the date claims.
Author A has 4 chapters to post and wants to update their fic twice a week. Author A will need to select a final posting date about 2 weeks after posting begins. Author A wants to post chapter updates Sundays and Wednesdays, and starts posting their story October 16th, followed by the 19th and 23rd. October 26th is the date they need to claim and is the date that mods will be checking their work for completion.
Authors, some things to keep in mind:
An Archive of Our Own account is required for authors. If you do not already have one, please get in queue ASAP:
Archive of Our Own Invite Requests If you are an author (both 5k Little Bang and 10k Big Bang) that was paired through the claiming process, we're past the no consequences point and dropping out could result in a ban. However, if something major in your life happens (sickness, injury, accident, etc.) please just let us know and there will be no consequences for dropping out. Anyone that doesn't contact us will be banned, as we won't know about a situation unless we're told.
If you are a Solo Author, there are no consequences for dropping out past this point.
If you do not have a beta reader already, you can check out
het-banghelp, which has a post set up for beta readers and authors seeking a beta.
The HetBang Discord Server has a channel set up for finding a beta reader. There's also
betaplease on DW, and for LJ,
find-me-a-beta and
If you still have some writing left to do, consider starting or joining a writing sprint on the
HetBang Discord Server!
A note on beta-reading: You can choose the level of beta-reading you want, from hardcore story critiquing, to just a second pair of eyes for catching spelling and grammar errors. If you do not want to have your story heavily beta-read, this is fine! But please do get a second person to read through and help catch the spelling and grammar errors.
An Archive of Our Own account is required for fanworkers that plan to post their fanwork separately from their author’s story. Fanworkers are not required to post their work separately, if they do not want to, meaning they can have their work embedded in the author’s story and that will fulfill their posting requirement.
If you do not already have an Ao3 account, please get in queue ASAP:
Archive of Our Own Invite Requests If your fanwork would be difficult to post to Ao3, such as a vid, playlist, or gifset, please contact us ASAP, we can help you post or discuss alternatives. Almost all fanwork types will require off-site posting to be embedded into Ao3 and we can help with that.
If you are a fanworker that was paired through the claiming process, we're past the no consequences point and dropping out could result in a ban. However, if something major in your life happens (sickness, injury, accident, etc.) please just let us know and there will be no consequences for dropping out. Anyone that doesn't contact us will be banned, as we won't know about a situation unless we're told.
To check the quality of fanworks expected for HetBang,
here are the 2022 Fanworker Guidelines. The minimum amount of accompanying fanworks per story is 1 piece. If you are a fanworker and choose to claim 3 stories, that means you will need to create 1 fanwork for each story, 3 total. Please contact us ASAP if something happens and you will not be able to complete all of your works!
And don’t forget to check out our help comm,
We’ve got a post for requesting and offering Beta and Cheerleading services! Here is our
Activity Schedule, if you want to take part in our weekly motivation activities. The comm is members only, to allow everyone the freedom to share their ideas and frustration in private. Mods typically approve membership requests in 12-24 hours, if not faster.
If you have any questions or concerns, here is the
Page-A Mod Post. You can also contact the mods via email, thehetbigbang@gmail.com, or by messaging LuciferxDamien or Jesterlady on the
HetBang Discord server.