Claims Update and 3rd Check-In Closed

Jul 13, 2022 18:38

Hello everyone, the 3rd Check-In is now (belatedly) closed! If you missed it, no worries, it wasn’t mandatory! Our next check-in will not be until September 1st, and it is mandatory. Missing the next check-in will result in you being dropped from HetBang 2022, which can lead to a 1-round ban, if you’ve been paired with a fanworker or author! Please reach out to the mods if you have any questions about this!

Story claiming is ongoing and additional claims are open! To check out what stories are left, visit the links below! We still have three 5k Little Bang stories that need to be claimed! If you are a fanworker that has already made a claim during the initial round, you are free to claim as many stories as you want. We just ask that fanworkers do not take on more than they are reasonably certain they can finish by the end of the HetBang 2022!

5k Little Bang Summary Post on Dreamwidth - REFERENCE ONLY
5k Little Bang Summary Post on LiveJournal

And don’t forget to check out our help comm, het-banghelp! We’ve got a post for requesting and offering Beta and Cheerleading services! Here is our Activity Schedule, if you want to take part in our weekly motivation activities. The comm is members only, to allow everyone the freedom to share their ideas and frustration in private. Mods typically approve membership requests in 12-24 hours, if not faster.

(Help comm weekly activities will resume normal schedule starting Sunday, July 17th, it’s been hectic with story claims!)

If you have any questions or concerns, here is the Page-A Mod Post. You can also contact the mods via email,, or by messaging LuciferxDamien or Jesterlady on the HetBang Discord server.

!fanwork claims, !check-in, !admin, hbb2022

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