Casual Check-In #3

Aug 01, 2018 09:05

Check in tiiiime! How are things going, guys? On track? Off the rails? Smooth sailing? Panic mode? Let us know!

You can either copy and paste the questions below and answer them in a comment (all questions or just some!), or simply leave a comment telling us how things are going. (Reminder that this check in is encouraged but not required.) Feel free to reply to your fellow creators and offer them some cheerleading! ;)

What fandom/pairing are you working on?
Are you going for a Big or Little Bang?
How far are you into the story? (Beginning, middle, end, etc)
How many words?
I am feeling…
Anything else:

As always, check out the help comms on LJ (here) or on DW (here) where all kinds of writing-related events are going on where you can share snippets, brainstorm, flail, block write together, and more.

Also, if you're looking for extra motivation and writing pals, check out the new writing community, hosted by fellow Bang author hunter_king_91, called Writing Frenzy !! :D

!check-in, hbb2018, !admin

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