It's a go!! :) After a slight delay,
het_bigbang is getting ready for another year of fantastic stories and glorious works of art!!
After checking out the poll, it was determined that the majority of the participants want us to have the same challenge, just pushed to June or July. And we had decided to go with June 1st! Yep. Today. :) I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to let you all know before now, but I plan on posting the sign ups later today. We are going to extend the sign up period by another week to give you a little more time to decide whether or not you can commit to write a story. I sincerely apologize for the last minute notice.
2018 Schedule
Author Sign Ups - open till June 24th, 12:00 PM (NOON) EST
Mandatory Author Checkpoint - August 15th
Artist Claiming of Big Bang Stories - August 20th
Art and Fics Due - September 26th, 11:59 PM (Midnight) EST (here is a
timezone converter.)
Debut Date (DD) - October 1st
New this year:
Lower word counts - Due to popular demand, we've decided to lower the word counts for this challenge to 20,000 for the big bang, and 10,000 for the little bang. This should hopefully give you more leeway into finalizing your story without trying to find those extra words to fit the challenge. We know that a lot of you will write way more than this, but we think the lower word count will garner more interest, which means more great stories for us to read!
Artist Interest Sign-Ups - We've changed the wording in the sign up posts for artists, because the way it was before made it sound like we were trying to get artists to commit way in advance to making art for our stories, which is far from the truth. But we would definitely like to know how much interest there is in making art for this challenge, so we still have the sign up post for artist, just changed the wording to let artists know that we aren't going to hold them to it - at least not until they make a claim.
Help Community changes -
gwenhwyfar1984 has agreed to help us out in the
Het Big Bang Support Community on LiveJournal. At this time, we are still looking for someone to help us out with the
Dreamwidth Support Community, so if you think you can make some cheerleading/writing days/encouraging posts over there, please let us know.
FAQs are still being updated, so the links still go to last year's post, but I'm working on it. Like
red_b_rackham, school is eating up what little spare time I have left after the job and family. But I LOVE this challenge, and I'm determined to see it going again, no matter what, so here we are making the time after all! :D
I'll post an update when I finally get that thing finished!
red_b_rackham has created another set of gorgeous banners and icons (points up at the beauty sitting at the top of this post). We'll get the banners and the promotional post up within the next few days so that you can use them to advertise.
Let us know if you have any questions either in the comments below, or by PM.
So let's do this! 2018 Het Big Bang Challenge is definitely a go!