
Apr 30, 2015 10:19

I have a couple of weeks off work for craft stuff (yes, this is what I choose to do with my holidays, NO REGRETS) and decided I would take at least one day to comment on fics. That day is today because my hands hurt after spending all yesterday on hairpin lace (I am blogging about my craft stuff at my new FB page here:

And because I like reccing stuff, here are some recs from the fics I have commented on today:


Liminality by shecrows
Aramis/Porthos/Aramis, pre-series

Really lovely OT3 fic

The sunlight tells him Porthos has already risen, shutters long since opened out of a habit Aramis has never quite decided whether he loves or finds regrettable.

In quella parte del libro della mia memoria by cherryfeather

Aramis tries to keep his vow after the end of series 2. This is AMAZING and did a really good job making me feel for Aramis.

Pas de Quatre by zelda_zee
Eventual Aramis/Porthos/Athos/D'artagnan

Lovely fic that develops slowly towards OT4

Aramis looks at him sideways, arching a brow. “There is nothing Porthos and I can do for him. We do not have that power.” He studies Athos a moment, stroking his beard, then sighs in apparent frustration.

“You and Porthos do not?” d’Artagnan asks. “What do you mean by that?”

But Three's a Crowd by stardropdream
Aramis/Porthos progressing to Aramis/Athos/Porthos, modern au

“Not dancing?” Porthos teases and his smile lights up his face.

“No, thank you,” Athos says, quiet but quick, just in case Porthos gets the idea to ask him himself. Porthos shrugs and downs his little flute of champagne in a way that probably shouldn’t be charming - but then Porthos manages to be charming in most things.

They come crashing down by stardropdream
Aramis/Porthos, post s2

This fic just about killed me but then made it better, thank goodness

(He can remember the morning after Aramis leaves - the day warm but dulled, early autumn, the leaves turning and the cracks in the walls around his window letting in cooler morning air before the sun warms it; he remembers dressing for the day and realizing just how much of Aramis’ things had managed to migrate into his room without him fully realizing it, over the years. He touches at the blue sash he’ll wear to d’Artagnan’s wedding and he clamps down on the urge to long for something - for someone.)

You're Not Alone by misanthropiclycanthrope
Athos & Porthos gen

This fic is tagged emotional hurt/comfort which is really the best description of it - it is lovely.

It made Porthos’s heart ache.

If the most he could do was ensure Athos made it home safely, he would do it gladly and without complaint. The resistance he encountered at first was not unexpected, but Porthos was nothing if not stubborn. Athos had no choice but to surrender and accept the resolute support.

Musketeers Series 2 - Athos/Porthos-centric Episode Related Fics by Suzie_Shooter

I have loved Suzie_Shooter's fics since s1 and this whole series was great. The episode 10 fic was a fitting ending, considering the events of the episode.

His hand drifted to the pommel of his sword. He remembered Athos' only half-joking suggestion of arranging 'an accident on the road' for Rochefort. Something similar would surely be appropriate here. He could claim she'd drawn her pistol, that he'd acted in defence of the King.

The thought lingered throughout the wearying hours of the journey back, a half-formed intent that never quite became action. Porthos was not a man to strike down a woman in cold blood, but as far as he was concerned, this was no woman but rather a snake in the bosom.

Rivers of London

That What Brought Him Back by linpatootie
Peter/OMC, tentacles

Peter finds out what's behind the door in the Folly - love this, funny and actually pretty plausible (presuming the door thing has not been answered, I'm only 5 chapters into Foxglove Summer).

Nightingale had expressly forbidden him to, but what was a young constable to do when faced with a mysterious door and a mentor who had, so far, refused to tell him what was behind it?

Fast and Furious series

Generally Psychotic Behaviour by khaleesian
Dom/Brian, breathplay

This is an old fic and I had a vague memory of reading it after seeing the first film, so I went looking after seeing Fast and Furious 7. It is a pretty short fic that still manages to show just how much Dom takes over Brian's life.

“That was weird, huh?” Brian cursed himself for that weak opening. “That whole scene back there.”

Penny Dreadful

L'enfer, ce n'est pas les autres by cjmarlowe

This is a short fic but both of their voices are great (also yay new series soon!!)

For it's because the knives glance off him that Dorian is able to cut everyone else so deeply, and that's not something Ethan could live with forever.

Music video/RPF but not really

Mean Low Water by pyrimidine
Brandon/Charlize (Crossfire video)

The Crossfire video is here, and I recommend you watch it because a) the song is great and b) the fic won't make any sense without the video. The fic is great.

"You?" she yells over the sound of the generator exploding. There's a bright flash of orange and a confetti of sparks raining down everywhere.

"I know, right?" he yells back. "I'm really sorry."

This entry was originally posted at

fic, rec

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