I am a homeowner again!

Jul 11, 2014 22:27

 My purchase of the currently-without-a-nickname maisonette completed on Tuesday (there's nothing that rolls of the tongue the way Wonderflat did, sadly). It's mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine!

Sadly I have not moved in yet as my stuff has not been delivered but I am using the time to paint just to brighten things up. Also I am having the bathroom redone next week so that is exciting!

Other exciting things:

1) I have two bedrooms, or a bedroom and a craft room :D
2) I have a garden! Which Lesley is very sweetly doing a lot of work in for me because she is ace and I am not a gardener
3) Relatedly, I now own a lawnmower
4) I have bought a new bed (has been delivered but was damaged SIGH) and new sofas
5) I met all my neighbours on the first day and they are a) mostly women and b) mostly older (this is good for my noise worries as the people I had problems with before were generally male and young to middle aged)
6) It's really bloody quiet!!!
7) I now live in Greenwich!! Admittedly this is no different to the last four months OR the time before the four years I was in Lewisham, but really that just makes it better because Greenwich is home. 
8) It's not up a steep hill!
9) It's also not on the second floor! It is, in fact, on the ground floor, YAY!

So that's it for now - I will have more updates and photos as stuff progresses but atm it's quite empty and echo-y. Soon it will be full of all my stuff though :)
This entry was originally posted at http://hestia8.dreamwidth.org/59262.html.

rl, wonderflat but not really

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