All your cutting down to size

Dec 13, 2013 20:32


It's been a while. I have been offline most of this week due to struggling with work a lot and feeling a bit lost with all the flat stuff. However, through a shitload of hard work and some ridiculous emails to my parents, I have a) taken all my forms to the solicitors re flat and b) sorted out a bunch of stuff at work (on my own, like a boss, frankly). I am in a much better place now, although I felt like absolute crap yesterday after my body caught up with my mind.

HOWEVER, holy shit, you would not think working over Christmas - on what is considered by the business A NORMAL WORK DAY - would be so hard. But basically I've had to justify why I'm coming in (I live in London, this rule only came in last month so I'd not planned for the leave, I want to carry over the leave for when I move) and what work I'm going to do (SO MUCH, ffs!). I only got final confirmation today that I could without it being a huge, massive deal.

ON A NORMAL WORK DAY. It's not like I'm trying to get them to let me work Christmas Day or anything.

Anyway, that is tedious. Tomorrow I am planning on swimming, posting parcels, setting up my Dad's Christmas present (wooooooooo it's shiny and awesome) and trying to finish my wrapping. Sunday I might go out for a walk somewhere interesting and to do any shopping I have left over. Should be nice.

I need to try booking a doctor's appointment next week but not sure that'll work out before Christmas. Ah well, never mind.

Very little else to report here right now, but things do feel as if they're getting a bit better.

Oh wait, there is something exciting: new laptop OH YEAH :D :D :D
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