I am super behind on recipes and photos (as well as the current stuff, I found the rest of my photos from Cornwall - I thought they were on the nearly-dead HD!), but they will have to wait until late tomorrow/Saturday morning as I am out tomorrow evening with
delgaserasca. We are going to see Chicago where Raza Jaffrey will give us the old razzle dazzle, be still my beating heart.
The second episode of Line of Duty was amazing, and I really enjoyed the first episode of Blackout, which managed to do something different with a fairly traditional basic plotline. Sadly telling you anything about it would be a massive spoiler. I would recommend it though.
(both shows are currently on iplayer)
I have missed a week of Holby that I want to watch for canon reasons, so that is on iplayer desktop (I have had iplayer desktop problems recently - if anyone has a dl link to the Julius Caesar with Paterson Joseph etc that was on recently, could you let me know? I missed it and am v sad about that). This week’s Casualty was there briefly but has disappeared :/ I do not like being behind on Holby/Casualty.
I have downloaded the Richard II thing with skinny Ben Whishaw but have not watched it yet.
In other news, Dear and I watched Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows at the weekend and felt it was subpar and had way too much stuff onscreen that was supposed to look cool but didn’t go anywhere. Ah well.
Last night I watched The Guard, which I loved. Brendan Gleeson, Don Cheadle, Liam Cunningham and Mark Strong. Excellent, dark and funny. Mark Strong is ace.
I am still working on fics and getting closer to finishing some of the long AUs. And some of the shorter fics \o/ No promises on dates but I hope to post something before the end of the month. I made the mistake of getting some SOE books out of the library so maybe I will finally start work on that WW2 Spooks AU I’ve been thinking about forever.
At some point I intend to read and comment on Spooks fic because I know there is stuff about I haven’t read. Ditto Lewis (I still have to watch the last ep of that).
My Paralypmics tickets arrived the other day \o/ Exciting!!
Incidentally, I’m sure most of you know but just in case, Spooks has recently been recced on
crack_van. I haven’t actually had a chance to go through the fics to see if I’ve read them (I’ve mostly been skimming my flist lately, I need to cut down on the comms), but they’re there if you’re interested.
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