Mar 29th - Apr 2nd
Top of the Shard
Egg Hunt egg from Selfridges (more of those at and more to come)
Sound sculpture in front of Canada Tower (called Aeolus - it's been travelling round the UK and was actually in Cornwall when Crishna and I went last year :D :D) - Biscuit thing (I've forgotten what it was called, aaaaargh, was a lot like a florentine) that a colleague brought back from Turkey. Yes, those are petals. I'm weird and I like flower-flavoured things.
Dinner. Sometimes I just really like the food I cook. This was one of those times.
Rec: new music! BIGKids (latest thing from Mr Hudson)
Click to view
Click to view Apr 3rd - 7th
Tiny graffiti in the toilets at Centrepoint
A little alley by Snow Hill Court
Selfridges at night
Massive elephant thing set piece from the Les Mis film (at Greenwich)
Pumpkin (youngest niece)
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