
Sep 08, 2010 16:17

You know that thing where as a woman you feel like you have to be polite when asking for stuff because if you try to get away with stuff like guys do, you get thought of as a bitch, but if you are polite and ask for things like a woman is supposed to, you get overlooked?




girlofprey, have you seen this?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Read more... )


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hestia8 September 9 2010, 12:37:26 UTC
I do love how the angst is all about the plan going wrong, and a) not about killing Mark, b) not about Ryan going to prison for murder, and c) not about Faye going to prison for murder if it had gone as planned.

(and whatever Natasha says, I don’t think it would have gone smoothly if they had gone with Faye - I don’t think Ryan would just let it go, you know?)

I almost wish they had framed Faye, she gets on my nerves.

I think Nathan is a bit more interesting than he gets given credit for. Which will be obvious when you read the fic (I have been tweaking it to make it a bit more in line with current plots, but either tomorrow or Sun, I will post). I think the character is in danger of becoming a caricature without the family there (there’s only so many ways you can go with ‘he hates everyone and they hate him more’ without him just going 'why am I still here? Fuck it, I'm back off to London'), so I can see why he wanted to leave. But if there is scope for him coming back, hurrah!

I know, he’s trying so hard to be all things to all people, aaargh. I think if he did kill someone it would be a real moment-of-panic thing, rather than planning it. But yeah, it’s still pretty horrible, especially when Natasha won’t really effectively defend him.

…I found his bringing up of the incest thing again a little odd though. Either he was desperately trying to say anything to throw Maisie off the scent, or really quite angry with her for sticking up for Ryan, enough to say something like that, or he's REALLY kind of stuck on the incest thing. Or hasn't dealt with his own feelings about it, or something. Although that could maybe explain why he hates Ryan so much, possibly…

I don’t know, I think it could be a combination of all of those things. I think he’s very, very messed up.

…Declan, I don't know what he will make of all of this. It's going to be a SHOCK when it (hopefully) comes out that Natasha killed Mark, not Nathan. But at least he might be able to understand Nathan's attitude towards him and his and Natasha's relationship a bit more…

I wonder how he will react, given what Maisie was saying about him being smitten. He could be even angrier with Nathan, in a way, and I get the feeling Nathan will get blamed anyhow.

I’ve just watched last night’s bits, and AARGH, I feel so bad for Maisie and for Nathan, because she thinks he killed their Dad and he can’t actually say anything because he’s still trying to protect Natasha and keep their family together even though it’s falling apart around him, and oh :(

I am intrigued in how the exit storylines will play out. I presume that Natasha will eventually get caught/tried/go to prison, from the spoilers a while back Maisie will probably have another breakdown/die (though I hope not), and Nathan seems to leave under his own steam, so presumably will take Will with him (or not, but then someone has to take that kid on). Which could be interesting…

Also - mostly irrelevant but I have to say this to someone: is there a DS rule that male soap star headshots have to be with awful haircuts?


girlofprey September 9 2010, 22:48:24 UTC
(and whatever Natasha says, I don’t think it would have gone smoothly if they had gone with Faye - I don’t think Ryan would just let it go, you know?)

Or Cain, really, given that they dated once and he's friends with Ryan, and he'd still know that Natasha and Nathan were probably involved and Faye was innocent.

I think the character is in danger of becoming a caricature without the family there (there’s only so many ways you can go with ‘he hates everyone and they hate him more’ without him just going 'why am I still here? Fuck it, I'm back off to London')

I know what you mean, part of the great thing about Nathan is that he really doesn't seem to care about anyone, but really cares about his family, and if his family's not there you sort of only get one side of it. On a side note, he's been so lovely with Will this week, taking him to school and talking to his teachers and stuff. Anyway. But it might have been interesting to see him deal with the breakdown of his family, and maybe get into his head a bit when he wasn't focusing on a 'plan', and seeing him eventually learn to stand on his own two feet. But if he does come back, and I hope he will, it might be more fitting that he goes away for a little bit after his family basically splits up, because I can't see him even being able to function that well for a while without them, given how dependent he is on them. It makes sense that he might disappear and try to get his head together.

There were so many bits last night that were just kind of brilliant. From the shot of Nathan and Natasha in the office when Declan walked in, with Natasha in the chair and Nathan standing beside her looking like a furious guard dog, which actually describes their relationship/partnership quite well up to a point - to him getting furious with Maisie and telling her that if she thinks he's capable of killing their dad that's it for them, and I had a feeling he might take her accusation as a betrayal, sadly - to the shot of him at the end after she leaves just looking sort of hollow and empty and kind of spaced out, as if he's just realising that despite all his best efforts, all the terrible things he's done, his family still might not stay together, that he might not be able to keep them together anyway. It was kind of win.

I am intrigued in how the exit storylines will play out.

I genuinely have no idea what's going to happen now, I can't tell the obvious ideas from the too-obvious ideas, and things seem to be set up now so that anything might happen. I'm assuming that Natasha will go to prison for the murder, given that her and Lyndon are leaving but they're leaving the door open for Nathan to come back. But he might leave on his own after it, or he might go to prison for a bit himself for the things he's done. I was pretty sure Maisie might end up killing herself after finding out the truth, or going more permanently crazy, but now she's involved at this stage, I'm not so sure, she might come out of it okay-ish. Although Alice Coulthard has said if Maisie's upset now thinking Nathan killed their dad, she'll be even more devastated if or when she finds out it was her mum, so finding that out might still push her over the edge. She's meant to go away for a little while, but then come back and help Ryan, now.

And Lyndon Ogbourne has said things are going to get a lot darker and more twisted over the next few months, and something about ITV possibly putting warnings on before the eps, but that could be things Nathan does, or things people might do to Nathan, trying to get him to confess. He might do something terrible to Maisie, though I hate to think of that, or she might do something to him. I wouldn't put it past Natasha to maybe try to make Maisie seem crazy again, or possibly Nathan, and I also wouldn't put it past Cain, or Faye, or possibly Declan, to do something terrible to Nathan. Or, none of that will happen and something else terrible will. Who knows. And it occured to me today or yesterday that there's always a chance, if he thinks his family will break up anyway or things get too bad, that Nathan himself might break down and tell someone. But that might be wishful thinking. But who knows. We'll just have to wait and see how it comes out.


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