(no subject)

Jan 04, 2013 13:32

Well, hello

I thought I'd address a few of the questions I've gotten in comments and let you guys know some of what counts towards goals - basically everything - and what's allowed as far as posting goes - seriously, again, basically everything. ;)

About comics and languages and documentaries, oh my!
  • So a friend of mine is an avid fan of graphic novels. I, myself have read one recently and I've noticed a trend of comic book talk around Livejournal land, prompting me to mention that yes, graphic novels can count towards your goal. In fact, if you feel so inclined, you can read nothing but comics for your personal goal. In that very special case, we might have to change your winner title.
  • Books in any language count, as long as you actually read and understand what you're reading.
  • Poetry volumes absolutely do count. Poetry's awesome, enjoy it
  • Documentaries, movie length cartoons, silent films, foreign films all count Basically anything but TV show episodes count towards your movie goals.
[Just remember that the bibliophile and cinephile challenges have more distinct requirements, listed below this for your benefit]

Bibliophile → Ten books during a quarter. Out of those ten, no more than two can be re-reads, only one can be a graphic novel, at least two should be genres you don't normally read. The others are up to you.

Cinephile → Twenty-five movies during a quarter, spanning at least three genres. You're allowed two re-watches.

About posting and precisely how to use this community!
  • I'm encouraging you guys to post, comment and enjoy the space to the fullest. There are specific posts for recommendations so please use those instead of making rec posts of your own. Besides that, post away. Get to know your fellow book, movie and music enthusiasts and don't be shy. Let me know in comments if you guys are interested in hosting a book read through or a movie watch once (or so) a month.
Just a note reminding you guys to keep tabs on what you read/watch within the bounds of this quarter! If you've already read or watched something that you'd like to review, don't be shy, check out the reviewing guidelines and make a post.

And last but not least, feel free to promote the community to friends by copying and pasting the code from the textbox below. Click the box and press ctrl a to select the entire code and ctrl c to copy it once it's selected.

hesteria; a book, movie and music enthusiasts challenge comm

http://hesteria.livejournal.com">http://a.random-image.net/wildlings/hesteria.jpg" border= "0">
; a book, movie and music enthusiasts challenge community especially for those who've made resolutions to read or watch a certain number of things in 2013.
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