(no subject)

Jan 01, 2013 23:35

Challenge Sign Up

At Hesteria, for the most part, we make our own challenges. With the exception of th hesteria cinephile an bibliophile winners titles, which go to members who fit a certain criteria, which I'll cover below, any number or genre is acceptable.

[Only use this if your goal is under ten books and or twenty-five movies per quarter]
Personal Challenge
Number of Books:
Number of Movies:
Anything Else: [This is a good place to add any personal genre challenges you'd like to pull off]

Bibliophile → Ten books during a quarter. Out of those ten, no more than two can be re-reads, at least two should be genres you don't normally read. The others are up to you.

Cinephile → Twenty-five movies during a quarter, spanning at least three genres. You're allowed two re-watches.

[Use this if your goal is ten books and or twenty-five movies per quarter or more]
Bibliophile & or Cinephile
Number of Books: [Cannot be under ten]
Number of Movies: [Cannot be under twenty-five]
Anything Else: [This is a good place to add any personal genre challenges you'd like to pull off]

Keep in mind that your challenge runs on a quarterly basis. The schedule is listed below:

Quarter Deadlines: [Midnight EST]

March 31st
June 30th
September 30
December 31
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