Words fall through me...

Oct 12, 2009 23:32

Hey all...

I almost never update this thing anymore. I check it all the time... but I just never really sit down to write, and even then I don't know what to write.

I guess I could start there.

I still haven't started on my novel.

I don't know what the deal is. Why can't I start? Maybe it's that I'm overwhelmed by the task. I'm unsure if this is the first book I should be working on. I mean that from a business point of view. Is something so controversial really what I want to go for first? It worked for Jacqueline Carey sure... but she's like... good and stuff. Should I gamble that I'm that good, even though I'm fairly sure that I'm not? Plus this project is so out of my usual norm. I usually write high fantasy... this is more industrial mythological fiction I guess. It's laced with symbolism and a lot of twisted underlying plot threads, many of which I've yet to actually work out for myself. I just sort of know they're there because the characters tell me so. When I can hear them... I'm never still enough these days to be able to hear them.

And I'm never still enough to read either. I'm in the middle of re-reading the Kushiel's Legacy series because I need to read it. I just do. I'm also wanting to get back into the Chronicles of the Necromancer series, since I met the author, Gail Z. Martin, at D*C. But all I seem to be able to get myself to read is Anita Blake... and I don't know why. Skin Trade is a good book... but it's not what I need to be reading. I also have a whole shelf of non-fiction books that I need to read just to better myself and broaden my horizons.


School is sort of blah this semester. I blame not taking any literature intensive classes. And also I blame the fact that I'm not doing as well as I'd like in my music history class and that tends to bum me out a bit. One of these days I'll attempt to do something hard and actually manage to impress someone. Maybe that's where this whole novel-writing thing will come into play.

The upswing of school is that I'm actually making friends. Choir this semester has been wonderful so far. I have friends in school to catch lunch with between classes and talk to while we bum around on the couch in the music building. There's also fund-raising and volunteering to be done to raise money for our trip to Italy in the spring... that tends to keep me distracted from getting too down. The music is wonderful and challenging and it's great to share that with people you can have a good time with during the struggle to master it.

I had a pretty bad case of the Mondays today... but Charlie cheered me up with a clean apartment and a trip to Macaroni Grill for our one year wedding anniversary (I had made him fettucini alfredo for dinner a couple nights back) so that perked me up nicely.

I'm off to go work on my outline for my music history paper.

Love and Cookies,

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