Jul 01, 2004 12:41
Ok so i am sitting here waiting to go to Book of Mormon class. I am in a debate. Do i stay here at BYU-Idaho or do I go back to SVU. thats right I am considering going back. I am accepted again just abut and thye gave me a liitle more money. I love SVU so much it is my home. i dont feel home unless I am there. but. things are starting to get better here. I got much better roomates this second summer term. But i dont know if thats enough for me to stay, so i need you all to vote. stay or go back to SVU? I am cofused!! grrr
I got my grades B-, B and A. not bad for my first semster here. I am going for straight As this semster. Wish me luck. oh so yah i went on a blind date. My roomate Ken hooked me up. hahaha. we get there i find out she is 17. i was like just my luck. pretty funny stuff if u ask me. it was a fun double date. good times had by all. just no 2nd date going to happen though. i am going to Utah this weekend. I get to see Etta and emily. i love those girls. i am excited to see them. ok well i got to get ready for class.
Quote of the day: "What up baby?... No not you!!"- Me yelling at little EFY girls