May 17, 2005 23:42
Holy crap, its been a long ass time since ive updated this thingy mabobber. Anyways, school is going alright, im slackin off just because its spring time, i think everyone is. My birthday is coming up next wednesday which will be nice just to be 19, Finally! So, besides school and what not, ive been working alot and thats kept me busy, meeting some cool people and what not. Ive really committed to working out and eating right so by the end of the summer i should be hella buff and what not, good times. Hmmmmm, i get to come home on june 5 or something like that, not quite sure yet. I just cant wait to be home for a while, it will be glorious, see all my friends and make some good memories over the summer. Ive been really thinking about what im gonna do in life and what im doing for school next year and im just really mixed up right now. Im sure everything will work out for the best. Other than that, not too much is goin on, just another day in cheney. Well, peace out all.