named Marcus & Esca. (why yes, i just watched The Eagle. in my defense, it was in Shenzhen theaters for - like - a week. i completely missed it then and only recently got my hands on a - uh - copy.) pacing? starts off rocky. plot? okay, i buy it. acting? hng, Roman muscles. cinematography? in fucking love. ♥ (let's not talk about the horse. i sadfaced so hard at the TV.)
probably won't surface for a few days, as i mine the entire Eagle fandom for porn thought-provoking stories. doesn't appear to be terrifyingly large (like Inception was, after it came out), which surprises me because the movie is practically a love story. does anyone know if the novel is any good?
also: halfway done with a Dom/Mal fic, which i hope to finish by the end of the
rarepair & more fest. (it's a distant "hope," though. deadlines will forever be my nemesis.'s an AU. augh, don't hate me. /O\)