
May 13, 2011 23:46

finally back in the States for my sister's graduation, to be followed by a family trip to Tuscany/Florence. (if you want a postcard, PM me your address, yes? :D and to nahara & ilovetakahana: i'll see if i can add some small Tuscany/Florence things to your packages, so those will be shipped out as soon as i return!)

anyway, long-overdue: presents from several lovely, lovely people. oh, you guys. you are the best. ♥ ♥

L to R: beautiful cards from jeannedecarnin, the_azure_blue, nahara, jeannedecarnin (again), & ze_zebra. snail mail will always be #1 in my heart.

I Am Number Four, courtesy of nahara! lolol, i flipped it open to a random page and the first word i saw was, "Shit!" i kid you not. xD also, i ordered Pale Fire and Hallucinating Foucault, based on her recommendations, so i will get around to those! eventually. :3 and OMG, NO-ONE CARES BUT ME, BUT I FINALLY FOUND THE LEILA VENNEWITZ TRANSLATION OF NARCISSUS AND GOLDMUND FOR AN AFFORDABLE PRICE. \O/ awefai;jodiags-- my newfound book gem.

1) mints & Percy Pigs from jeannedecarnin: tasty things from the faraway land of England. i am loathe to open them, really. i mean, after i eat them all in one sitting, how else will i get moar. also, a tiny peacock-feather-printed notepad!

2) William & Kate paper dolls & mini-slinky! & 50-Euro bill (eraser, not actual currency, lol) from nahara: ahahahaha, the dolls! i have no idea what i'm going to do with them, but rest-assured, it will involve those boxers that so proudly display the British flag. (oi, Kate, why no love for your country via printed underwear, hm? *side-eye*) also, the eraser is sitting on my shelf, and i don't know how i feel to have the Queen Mother watch me while i'm sleeping, to be honest. *____*

3) an abundance of turtles! & a straw coin purse from ilovetakahana: THE BIG ONE LOOKS JUST LIKE THE LITTLE DUDE FROM "FINDING NEMO." :D which is basically all i could want from a stuffed turtle. and the keychain says "Philippines" on it in loopy gold script.

4) cat from the_azure_blue: i mentioned it way back when i was here to receive azure's package, but it seems to enjoy chillin' with the turtles, so. :)

oh! does anyone want my copy of Crush? shipping covered & everything. [edit: claimed by kirstenlouise!] :D (if you know me, you know that as much as i tried, i couldn't find it in myself to like Siken all that much. unfortunately. :\)

you guys you guys, amaze, photos

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