spent a drizzly weekend in Hong Kong with my grandma and great-uncle, who are presently on a pan-Asian tour via cruise. they were terribly excited when i told them i decided to take the job in Santa Clara, since they live in Cupertino. well, grandma was excited. great-uncle kind of wears the same facial expression always, so there was some guesswork there. he did squint and say, "there is something different," when he saw me. it turns out that he was talking about the lip ring i had, like, three years ago. grandma's so chill, she's like, "you know, your little cousin went out and got two more ear piercings after the whole family put a vote to it. i said, geez, why vote? you like it, you don't like it, whatever. it's just for fun! no tattoos, though." also, she showed up dressed head-to-toe in Burberry and exclaimed, "do you like my shoes? it was my birthday. i figured i could get whatever the hell i wanted. Burberry! why not? i'm old." lol. that is probably me forty years from now, guys.
i stayed one night at one of the Marco Polo hotels and ended up watching the BBC's Dragons' Den, specifically the re-run of the episode where the contestants are attempting to make toaster bags interesting. i guess there really was something to them, because i watched them attempt for one full hour to get a £200,000 investment in toaster bags. THE BRITISH KNOW DRAMA. why would you start a new business so soon after liquidating your old one? tell. me. why. (i still don't know what toaster bags actually do.)
so here are some photos i took of drizzly Hong Kong. except for the indoor shots, because it wasn't...drizzling...indoors...