in a daze of Theraflu

Jan 28, 2011 16:55

huddling in a corner at Starbucks, which is luckily just down the street from my uncle's apartment. Taipei simultaneously feels like home and doesn't feel like home. or maybe that's just my head telling me that the stupid flu i've caught is NOT WELCOME. attempts to sleep last night were thwarted by major congestion. THIS IS MY VACATION TIME, UNIVERSE. PLZ COOPERATE. KTHX.

oh man, we're in modern times now, guys. right in front of me, there's a group of old men who all look like retirees, chatting away in Taiwanese with a Starbucks thermos sitting in front of each one. Starbucks is the new teahouse, eh? except i'm not sure how Starbucks would feel if they suddenly pulled out a mahjong set.

hopefully, i'll feel a bit better tomorrow, so i can take the MRT and explore a bit. it's been a while since i've done that here.

oh! before i forget: to all the lovely people who left me feedback on The Anonymous Writing Feedback Meme, thank you! from the bottom of my heart. <3 you have no idea how much i appreciate it. i've collected all the responses and placed them carefully beside my muse, so that they'll serve as reminders for all future works.

by the way, does anyone know if there's a way to create some sort of alternate-option button? so that people who prefer not to read light text on dark backgrounds don't have to suffer every time they visit my LJ? or maybe i should just change my layout. i don't know~ i am fail at this kind of web technology. :(

you guys you guys, oh my technology, writing, health, taiwan

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