Conductor: You guys sound horrible! This is a LOVE song! There are no sparks! No passion! You sound like you're making out with your SISTER!
Me: Art, don't complain, your sister's hot.
Art: WHAT?! If I made out with my sister, first my PARENTS would be mad at me, then my SISTER would be mad at me, then my sister's BOYFRIEND would be mad at me and beat me up!!!
Ashley: Did he just list reasons why he couldn't make out with his sister...?
Good evening my darlings! This fabulous cold weather has allowed for some wonderful late-night snuggling, and this fabulous Saint Valentine holiday has allowed for a wonderfully large supply of chocolate, so I hope that NONE of you have been exercising, and NONE of you have been doing anything productive past sunset! When I am ready to emerge into the world again, I will be greatly delighted to see you all plump and pitiful. *sigh* Ain't love grand?
Last week was not a bad one. I don't think... I can't really remember it in great detail, actually. On Monday I had an orthodontist appointment, and my greatest fear has been confirmed: I WILL, in fact, have braces on for the rest of my life.
HAHAHAHA! Wasn't that funny? I'm just kidding. In all seriousness, though, the chances of them coming off in this decade are looking slim. I'm sorry, but all of you that were waiting for me, knowing that I would one day be a hott sexy tomcat: Umm, well, the truth is, I won't be. Bummer.
Tuesday was FCAT, and that was terrific, as always.
Gia: We're gonna be late... Yeah, we're totally going to be late. YUH HUH we are!!
... No one's arguing with me.
About ten more minutes for the essay would have boosted my grade up, ummm... six points, but, you know, what can I do. The best part was most assuredly the fact that we got an hour and a half-long lunch. I knew what had to be done with all this time: picnic! Sam, Gia, Katy, Ashley, Eddie and I all went our own separate ways to get our lunches, and then we met back up again at the picnic benches by the fountain by the science building!
The day was positively glorious-- breezy but sunny, and with the sound of trickling water nearby, and all of us with our own, different lunches, and plenty of time to just sit and talk, it was the best thing ever. I love picnics so much.
Which reminds me: Sometime this summer, SOMEONE has to host a semi-formal barbecue. I have been craving one lately, and summertime is perfect for an early evening barbecue in pretty sundresses and khaki pants! Now... does anyone we know know how to barbecue?
The rest of the week continued in its usual uneventfulness. I am very pleased with this year's Concerto Competition winners (ha! You know! That competition that I got out of?!). Yaaay Bradley, Matthew, Erica, Sergein! How lucky I am, to love every one of them, so talented and pritty and the like!
Saturday I had Best Buddies in the morning-- the Valentine's visit! My buddy wasn't there, AGAIN (Jesus, I've only seen the guy once-- he has more of a social life than I do!), so I bummed around and accompanied Gia and her new buddy, Melvin, who was really horny and kept trying to kiss us. It was really funny; Gia gave him a teddy bear and he hugged her then puckered his lips and tried to kiss her, so she turned her head away and he followed her head, to the point where she had to wrench away from his hug to get away from him. He did that about three more times, to each of us, so finally we decided the madness had to stop. We set him up with another buddy, Margaret, and they became "boyfriend and girlfriend" (how CUTE!), and then Melvin tried kissing HER, and she told him to "watch it." Yaaay prude people! :o)
After Best Buddies, we went to... *dun dun dun* Sunset! I know, I know, I'm an idiot, I continue to hold out hope that one day Sunset will stop being lame. But surprisingly... Sunset wasn't lame! It was early enough in the morning that practically NO ONE was there, and we went to Forever 21 and I pulled the entire store into my dressing room (I've found true love at last), and ended up leaving with three of the cutest items of the century. Later, in contacting Elisa, I found that she, too, had visited Sunset earlier that day, and had, too, found it almost agreeable. Shocking development, indeed!
All of this, of course, was merely killing time before this concert that my GMYS conductor was giving at UM at 1. So I took forever buying my crap, and we left at about 12:55. Upon arriving at University, however, I found that the entrance to UM that I knew for sure was so nearby was ... nowhere in sight. You know how driving in a car is, umm... a teensy bit faster than walking? Yeah. So what I was positive was two blocks away was actually about 20 blocks away.
Long story short, we arrived at this nice, theater-enclosed concert over an hour late, drenched in sweat, reeking of BO, only to find that it was sort of a… jazzy, hip-hop themed concert. Yeah. Not really our scene. The last song was a tribute to Tupac and Notorious B.I.G., and everyone got up and danced and such. Weeell, you know me, so you know how much the walk and the smelling WASN’T worth it. But I was glad I went and supported my conductor.
After the concert, the madre was hosting an African-themed party (our "Greatest Rappers Ever" concert was a perfect precursor). Before the guests arrived, I made Gia sit down with me and watch Thumbsucker. I could have enjoyed it a lot more, had the characters been less annoying. I didn’t like a single one of them, and when I don’t like any of the characters, I can’t enjoy the movie. Even the main guy, who was unbearably adorable, got a little douchey towards the end.
Then, African party, with yummy African foods and desserts! My mother is a wonderful cook. It was all delicious, and even Gia who is one of those annoying picky people liked everything. We just sat in my living room ignoring the adults and talked the whole night, it was really refreshing.
Sunday was when the fabulous weather began, and I really, REALLY didn’t want to go to GMYS in the freezing cold. My plan to convince the madre, however, had a few holes and glitches...
Me: Let me stay home! It’s a SNOW day!
Madre: Uh huh! Except for the fact that, um-- there is no snow!
I went and, go figure, it ended up putting me in a really good mood. I don’t know why I always dread it; it’s never as bad as I make it out to be. I mean, I’ve only attempted suicide there like... twice. Or three times, or something. I mean, REALLY low number, considering how often I go.
And that, my friends, is where I will end my tale. I know, I know, I stopped an entire five days short of today, but I’m tired and I doubt anything cool like this week will happen for a while, so I have to stretch it out over as many updates as I can. I love you all, and I hope you recognize that "Be mine," when you really think about it, is the cutest thing anyone could ever say to you. They want to have you, all of you, they want you to be entirely for themselves.
Be mine,