Class: *is over*
Oxar: Okay, you're dismissed!
We: *pack up, head towards door*
Oxar: Oh no, wait wait wait wait! Wait!!
We: *stop, think it's something important, whip out pens to take notes*
Oxar: Did anyone watch ER last night?
Masha: ... Riiiight, bye then
Read more... )
You called me at like, 4! Not 12, but FOUR! I think YOU secretly wanted to blow everyone off too, you just tried to make the measely effort to seem like you didn't.
I actually wanted to invite you to come see The Magic Flute... I forget why I didn't...
My posts have gotten so lame. :o(
Awww, mindtwins! And here we were, thinking no one else was completely disconnected and was going to grow up to be a serial killer...
You noticed! FINALLY! I've been doing that forever, yo! Look at all my old posts! Random things are always bolded!
Now: go through this post and read only the things that are bolded. They seem funny, jes? They intrigue, jes? I like to think that people that normally wouldn't read my exceedingly long, boring epic tales read the bold things and might stop to quickly figure out what they're about.
And I don't care if it doesn't work, so don't tell me.
*holds back opinion but through mindreading you hear it anyways*
BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT TIME YOUR STUPID UGLY SCHOOL GETS OUT!!! And I still went to Mel's so obviously my anti-social plan didn't work. Oops, did you hear that?
You weren't going to invite me! You lie like a large rug.
They have not, oh goddess of stupidity, they are equally lame as they were when you first began.
I'm totally going to go back through all your crap and see that now, because I'm that much of a pimp.
Stupid ugly school: 3:45. Early release: It used to be 12 but the bastards moved lunch to before fifth period so now it's 12:30. What assholes, right?
May you never have an excuse again! :oP
Don't worry it was completely gay, you didn't miss anything.
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
...Aaaand that about wraps it up. Yeah. Tchau!
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