In which quel feels smart AGAIN due to Herald crosswords! ::yesssss::

Jul 11, 2005 13:42

So I actually had a really nice, relaxing but not mind-numbingly dull weekend! I actually like, you know, EMERGED! Into the world! It was CRAZY, I can't wait to tell warn you guys about it...

So Friday I worked with my sister at the museum from 1:30 to 10. It was the usual bumming around with nothing to do (on my log-in sheet, under "Things ( Read more... )

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strangefunk July 11 2005, 20:37:12 UTC
haha contagious is the most awesome name.
Sigh, i love weekends that are eventful but not hectic.
I LOVE listening to stoner conversation. Its toooo funny.
And you can mess with them so bad. lol.


heslikenirvana July 11 2005, 20:41:06 UTC
:oD Thankyou, thankyou, an awesome character needs an awesome name.

Of course. This one was SO perfect though. It's like it will almost make up for the coming week. I need to have weekends like this during school. That way I will enjoy the 5 days of learning a lot more.

:o) Naturally.


strangefunk July 11 2005, 23:15:05 UTC
we should develop ur super hero personae further :P


heslikenirvana July 12 2005, 13:49:47 UTC
Yeah! Like, a background, and everything, so we can come out with a "Contagious Begins" story, or something cool like that!


strangefunk July 12 2005, 21:10:35 UTC


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