find a glass and raise it with me

May 18, 2006 22:18

Call me sentimental, call me sappy, but as I watched the end of Will & Grace I couldn't help but think about life. People enter our lives and they decide they just don't want to leave. THey establish a place in your life and all major events in life are experienced with them. People make an impression on you and they help you to become the person you are. I hope that in many years time I can raise my glass and toast to the best friends a girl can have. It's neat how a person can make such an impression on you, from a simple "hi, my name is..." to "oh my word you will not believe it...". Through comedic situations and obvious friendship, Will and Grace brought millions of viewers a sense of closeness. It also helps to answer the timeless question-can men and women be just friends. I just want to raise my glass to the end of a great show and to my friends, those who have crashed my dorm room countless times, messaged me so often, occasionly sent snail mail (which one should always support-tee hee!) and countless emails.
To friends, who start out as an observer in your life and become a major participant. To friendship, the thing in life that makes us smile, vent, cry, and realise what a hell of a ride it is. Lastly, to life plans, for we all meet for a reason and it is interesting to see how that reason unfolds.
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