May 27, 2005 21:07
This week has gone pretty okay despite the fact of a little incident I had on Tuesday night. It was bad but now that it's been taken care of and my meds have been adjusted, I feel soooo much better. Taylor is staying over here tonight...:) And anywho, my stupid fucking dog won't shut the fuck up and i'm gonna slit her throat and fucking KILL THE BITCH!!!!! I feel all passionate and content with life right now. But we'll see how long it lasts. I'm trying to be optimistic at 48 hours but oh well idk...This Jennica girl has been making me kinda angry lately. She worries about stuff that she so has no reason to worry about. She creates drama with her boyfriend that doesn't need to be there. And then she cries about it....I mean once in a while it's okay to cry about stuff and blah blah blah....But it's like ALL the time...Sorry Jen if you're reading this. But idk. She needs to grip into reality. AND THE FUCKING DOG WON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP AND NOW JOEY'S IN HERE DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANYWHO...School is soon to be finito and we have monday off. WoOt!
But yea I think I'm done now.....