Feb 08, 2004 20:21
today it occurred to me how disgusting i look after being out in the cold
for more than five minutes. my nose runs, my eyes water, and i always
develop this weird patch of red underneath my left eye.
i can only imagine the charisma and sexuality i must exude every morning when i
walk into french class looking decrepit and half-frozen. hmm maybe that's
why no one cares to sit next to me. they are afraid of the sickly boy.
this weekend has been typical college fare. i finished pride and prejudice
and started great expectations. i'm really enjoying all of this fine
literature but it disturbs me how we move on from one book to the next with little
time to process any of it. i'm feeling a little saturated with bronteaustendickens.
i have both a french and an economics exam tomorrow morning. someone hold me.