Medical and personal log.
theoregontrail/Day One:
--Just saw one of the kids (Tamaki?) here try to eat a poisonous berry [Woody Nightshade/Solanum dulcamara] despite just being told that it was poisonous. Don't understand why someone would go against the good doctor's orders just to prove a point. Could've gotten killed. Friend of his got him to spit out; looked like it'd been partially chewed though. May be seeing him in the near future.
Will be saying "I told you so" if that happens.
[addendum] Tamaki started vomiting shortly after. Also began rambling something about a cursed puppet and accused me of poisoning his food. Unsure as if to whether this is from the poisoning or if this was there already, as the patient had earlier also accused me of wanting to steal said-berries.
Patient may already have a history of slight mental illness before the solanum dulcamara
Day two:
-First patient came in with severe pupillary dilation and dyspnea. Claims he ate some kind of berry. Also claims he doesn't remember what it looks like. Have no choice but to keep him for observation and keep his heart rate down. Sent my assistant out to go and track down any such plants. I'm not expecting her back for a few hours. Patient is no help in describing what it looks like.
-Second patient is showing signs of 19th century dysentery. I've prescribed oral rehydration. Could have been much worse if it'd been caught any later. I'll have to make checks on the food later. [written in smaller, terse letters, as an afterthought] What's the point of everyone rushing to Oregon if they're dying before they even get there?
[update] Assistant came back faster than expected. She came back with an armload of plants and just left them on the table. I'm a doctor, not a botanist. Not looking forward to trying to jog this patient's memory with twenty questions of the plant variety either.
-Two patients at the same time. Rattlesnake bites. Wouldn't tell me how they managed to get them in those places, but I can make a guess. Treated with antivenom. Would have preferred my sick bay.
-[update] Narrowed it down to two plants, both of which aren't toxically fatal. They are hallucinogenic though. First patient seems to have recovered after a few hours of constant hydration, rest, and an injection from a hypospray. Had to put up with a few hours of him chattering nonstop to the air. I now know more about him than I'd ever wanted to know. Not sure if I should release him just yet: considering he just forgot what the damn thing looked like earlier, he may run into the same plant again. Considering holding him here until we're out of the area. Not sure if my sanity can take it.
-Fifth patient of the day came in with a broken leg. Says he fell down a cliff while hunting. I'm surprised he made it back on his own. Set the leg as best as I could, but I'll need to get something more permanent on there soon. Can't just yet. Looks like there's an infection building from a deep puncture in the left foot as well. Could be the start of gangrene. Hard to tell since patient wouldn't stop fidgeting and sit still. I asked if he'd gone around stepping on nails. He asked if I was going to have to amputate. This really is the dark ages.
Personal note:
The tools they expect me to use are no better than carving knives. What do they think I am, a damn butcher?
fountainofcod: Post-apocalyptic setting thread
-Treated Spock for phaser wound to shoulder. (Phaser setting: kill, single bolt) Extensive damage to shoulder and splash damage to arm. Second and third degree burns, as well as trauma to the scapula, some signs of corrosion to surface of humerus. Had to cut ahead of the disintegration in order to stop it. Spock is stabilized. Time will only tell on the arm.
Recommend keeping him under observation for 24-48 hours (min) as precaution against possible latent infection(s). Pre-surgery sterilization did not meet Starfleet regulations.
-Kirk and Spock both showing signs of malnutrition and dehydration. Will be slowing funneling in water and what micro-nutrients I can to them. Latter will need to be in liquid form initially. Too risky to start on solid food.
[Personal note written hastily in margin] Will need to double excursion time to the outside in order to make up for this.