Enneagram Originally uploaded by
eeddee "Sexual 6s often feel extremely vulnerable and weak inside. However, as stated above, most Sexual 6s are able to mask that vulnerability with a sharp feistiness. At times when they feel the most desperate, they can also brood deeply about their love interests. In this state, they can be ‘darkly’ obsessed with their own vulnerability as well, despite the outer façade of toughness or sexuality that they bring to their encounters. These are by far the most emotionally reactive 6s, especially when their deep and hidden vulnerabilities are exposed to the outside world." ~
hmmmmmmmmmm. i don't think i'm necessarily more of a sexual 6 than *self-preservation* or *social* in terms of my 'dominant instinct' -- but i can relate to the above passage particularly with regard to 1-2 recent experiences with boys/crushes.