right-on horoscope; time flies; & anxiety--blah, blah

Jun 28, 2007 21:30

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Originally uploaded by Umaru Idi-Catteau the sun is definitely oh-so-rapidly setting on my life in PC/dominica.

i was telling someone in the PCV office today that it's probably good that denial hasn't gripped me enough to entirely stop me from making preparations to leave, although it may be to my advantage that the emotions have been mixed and somewhat suppressed or sporadic in surfacing; heh.

had a mini-showdown w/the landlady this afternoon; don't want to get into more of the ridiculous particulars cuz it's just not worth it and besides, the details make me physically ill with feelings of anger and injustice. not to mention that my and your time is precious!
and btw, going on a long walk and blowing off steam / chilling with the new crisis corps volunteers after the maria confrontation was a very GOOD IDEA. also, i was treated to lunch today by two of my dear PCV friends, whom i <3.

but the human embodiment of a thorn in my side is supposed to pass through my living quarters (to hopefully pass non-fatal judgment) tomorrow morning -- and suggested today that she might be imposed upon to give me *half* of my deposit back; hrmmph.
she has had a male guest over most of today.
i really hope she doesn't rob too much more of my time, energy and fragile sense of inner peace /of mind/, ugh. particularly since i have other things to deal with tomorrow, including a final visit to my friend in prison by mid-morning.
so, uhh, -please- wish me luck!

my (reasonable?!) goal is not to 'give in' or let her break me but to be willing to compromise for the sake of practicality/necessity; to give my PC boss an explanatory & concise email tonight and a call in the morning as necessary; and not to spend my weekend fretting over my landlady, banging my head against the wall, OR thoroughly scrubbing the window screens/etc.

there's a village council social gathering on saturday that's at least partially motivated by my looming departure; i plan to bring a friend and enjoy it for whatever it is.

finally, i've found a particular daily horoscope that tends to be much more insightful/thought-provoking than most; today's was:

June 28
You've been doing very well, dear Cancer, but today you might be feeling more focused than ever. The path ahead of you seems clear and well defined, and you're looking forward to the future with motivation and anticipation. You might be considering taking a long trip abroad, or perhaps going back to school for an advanced degree. Today is a good day to start doing some research and finalizing your plans. Go to it!

sunset, 'time.flies.', dominica.life, landlady, taking.leave, daily.horoscope, contemplating.my.last.weekend, pcv, departure!

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