'Pregnant Teenager', Dressed Version of 'In the Name of God', Jens Galschiøt 2006 Originally uploaded by
hanneorla. "you can't live your life measuring your child against the norm"
- woman (mother) on NPR morning edition segment from today whose 8 y/o daughter died of a rare disease...
i'm particularly interested in opinions of those of you who are parents.
after all, i can understand the inclination to pay attention to milestones one's kid 'should' be reaching esp. when s/he is very young and something could be wrong but as yet hasn't been detected...
at the same time, i think that this woman's statement can be extrapolated to a certain extent and applied to families in whose children there is no particular medically diagnosable mental, developmental or physical 'differently-abled-ness' (to quote hilary faye in "SAVED!"!!!).
and it must go w/o saying that i believe everyone has problems and is flawed in some way or another... and probably beautiful in some way, in someone's eyes??
i rather hope so, as any 'good' UU'ist would! ;)