Through the window Originally uploaded by
Miss Aniela. Recent missives from my papa:
Sweet ,open-armed McGeorge wants your public interest self at their school.
Am reminded of many jokes that start w/a mule and a sledgehammer. If there is a goddess, she's nudging you in a certain direction. From the golden 60's, "go with the flow." LOVE! dad
Dear Anna,
i think best you can do is follow your passion&simplify this decision by going toward what you want. [re: my anxiety about taking on tens of thousands of dollars worth of debt to get through law school:] The direction amerikan economy heading, $100thou will be worth 90 euros in five years, so what the hell!
Are you enjoying your weekend in paradise? Saw some of the rocknroll hall of fame induction of REM last night. Michael Stipe's comment very poignant: of grandmother forecasting this award&that for her, REM meant, remember every moment.
Often greatest reward comes from leaps of will.
Relax&enjoy your time in the sun.
Thanks, Dad! oxox
"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place, oblige it to control itself."
--Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804)