Butterflying… ♫♫ Originally uploaded by
bocavermelhal.b.. I found out online this morning--about a half hour before our PC-D/ca admin. asst. called to inform me that the emergency action drill has been activated--that UC-Davis Law has WAIT-LISTED me...
To say that I'm stung/hurt and acutely, sorely and utterly disappointed might even be an understatement.
Davis is my beloved hometown (from whence I fled after h.s. graduation in 1999). I've been literally & figuratively dreaming of going back (check my journal if you don't believe me).
Not only is it advantageously located and a fun, liberal college town, it's also ranked #34ish - tier 1 of 4 - by US News & World Report and academically/professionally speaking, may have been my first choice 'good shot' school.
Not to mention that it's one of few I get to visit in a couple of weeks...
And they don't require accepted students to commit in advance so basically, the EARLIEST people are offered admission off the waiting list is JUNE and the latest, Aug. 24--the last day of Orientation Week.
bright side, if you/i REALLY want to see it: like i wrote in an email i just sent out, at least L&C accepted me / wants me back! that's so far the only top-6 (in terms of my original preferences pre-application, not competetiveness) school that's accepted me (w/o scholarship offer, but STILL, the asst. dean of admissions was friendly/encouraging in her email reply the other day)... ::bites lower lip almost so hard that it bleeds::