i got my penis pierced....

Jan 19, 2005 00:54

just kidding. it's not really about that.
survay time!!!!!!

First Crush: *shrugs* probably Alexis
First Car: Same car -- 2000 Dodge Stratus
First Date: real date?? ummm -- with Megan after i got back home from Rome.
First Kiss: Dana, over her house, when i was like 8.
First Screenname: iborg001
First Album/CD: ?? probably a chilipepper's cd my dad gave me
First Piercing/Tattoo: other than both lobes, my industrial in my left cartelege
First True Love: Bethany.
First Enemy: Ummm... probably John Ziminski in like 5th grade.
First Big Trip: Florida with my dad when i was 11 or so.
First Detention: I had inschool suspension for fighting.
First Time Dying My Hair: a couple of years ago. it was blue.
First Formal Dance: Christmas dance when i was a freshman.
First Time Breaking A Bone: Ummm... hairline fracture on my wrist when i was 13. The board didn't break with my spining backfist in TaeKwonDo.
First Time Getting Really Sick: See my medical history,lol.
First hangover: at a family wedding -- some uncle was slipping me alcohol when i was like 10.

Last Cigarette: sadly, a few days ago, i need to quit.
Last Cuss Word Uttered: fuck... i say that word so much, it acts as a comma.
Last Compliment: from bethany last night.
Last Kiss: from bethany last night. :-D
Last Good Cry: eh... there's alot of stress right now in my life, so prety recently.
Last Movie Seen: at the theater : Darkness -- load of bulloks. at home : gardenstate. not bad at all. fairly good (im picky)
Last Beverage Drank: Pepsi. Alcoholic - Some very good blackberry wine
Last Food Comsumed: celery sticks. *munch crunch munch*
Last Phone Call: Bethany, a few hours ago
Last Thing Written: helped julie with some bullshit questions for school.
Last Show Watched: law and order SVU- -- it was a good one, where this gang member is found off the side of a building with a really bad bite mark on his penis.... it gets even more fucked up.
Last Time Showered: early this morning around 7.
Last Shoes Worn: im wearing slippers now :-)
Last CD Played: Rammstein - Reise, Reise
Last Disappointment: *shrugs* the DT.net site being down a couple of days ago.
Last Annoyance: Dale the other day
Last Ice Cream Eaten: Reese's peanut butter ice cream... *drools* about an hour ago
Last Time Wanting To Die: a while ago... nothing too recent :-)
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