(no subject)

Jan 14, 2005 13:00

well, things between my mother dale (her fiancee) and myself has finally had a breaking point. it seems like i am the nice little warm center of their problems, and that the topic brought up in arguments between them is me. so, after coming home last night after watching ER and spending time with bethany and julie (and running out to get george NyQuil) i came home to get bitched at by dale around 3:30 - 4. how i don't ever help out, how im a waste of life/space, etc. now, i don't mind helping my mother out when she needs it, or running errands for both of them. i keep my room clean and vacuumed. but he's so goddamned anal retentive about everything. it's like i can't breathe without his permission. he dosn't like me having people over anytime anymore. he dosn't like it when any dishes are in the sink -- now i don't mind doing them when there are at least 5 in there because it takes a few mins for the water to get hot, but if there is one glass in the sink, he throws a tantrum.

i can't stand it, and i've called my father and i'll be moving most/some of my stuff down there. it's the only thing i can do right now. however it stil feels like im just running from my problems again. i just don't think i have much of any other options. when i called him, i think he knew what was up... i never really told him what was going on up there, but i guess maybe my mother did....... or maybe he can read me. i'm just still scared and nervous about all of this. as some of you guys know, my dad and i kinda/sorta had a falling out a few years back. granted it's been a lot better since he and amy (my step-mother) had shea (my half-brother), but im still kinda nervous. maybe it's not just dale and my mother... maybe it's me.

granted there is one small problem. i don't know what to tell my mother...
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