Jun 24, 2008 13:36
I love raquetball. It's about the only form of exercise that has never felt like exercise, other than heavy fighting, of course.
I just went and played raquetball with my friend and co-worker Dan. Dan is lighter, younger and more athletic than me, but he only learned raquetball a short while ago and so I am still beating him most games, as experience does play a part. That will end soon.
Dan claims to be very competitive and he shows that. I claim to be not very competitive but to a large extent this is a lie; It is true I will have fun whether I win or lose, but lets face it; I'd rather win.
During the last game, which I really wanted to win as a proof that I was not quite as old, slow and fat as I feel, I dove for a couple of shots that were maybe not the kind of shots I should have gone for. During one of those shots my head and right shoulder slammed into the wall with the force of . . . well, an unbalanced 220 pound man slamming into a wall, as a matter of fact.
The wall was cherry flavored. I am sure of that.
The shoulder hurt a little but at first was not bad. We finished the game and Dan dropped me off back at my house, where it was my intent to get some yardwork done. But I find at this point that I cannot raise my right arm above the level of my right shoulder. At all.
Anyone expecting me to show up at fighter practice tonight and fight; don't. I may go to the meeting to be sociable, but I am chillin on the shoulder for now.